Play sets, swing sets, a playhouse, play forts,- all a kid's activity center come true! Build children's play sets or an activity center with these tips.
Play sets, swing sets, a playhouse, play forts,- all a kid's activity center come true! Build children's play sets or an activity center with these tips.
Wood decks look great when coated with a film forming sealant ... for about a minute. They tend to peel from exposure to the elements. Strip these films off and clean your deck. Oxygen bleach will clean without causing all the damage that chlorine bleach will. Apply a synthetic water repellent. It will not feed the growth of mildew and algae and will look great ... for years.
Building bridges to cross a stream, ditch, or ravine is a practical project. But building a bridge requires you know how high the water can get! Bridge construction is not as hard as you may think, and garden bridges in your backyard can be enchanting.
Borate chemicals are highly toxic to wood boring insects, like termites and fungi but are safe for humans and animals. They come in powdery mixes and can be applied to existing wood. Make sure the one you buy is marked as a wood preservative.
Lots need good drainage to avoid huge problems for the homeowner. Water problems cause massive headaches for people who suffer flooding, damage or even just soggy residential lots. Check the lot you are considering during a rainstorm to see if you are in for yard drainage nightmares if you buy.
Concrete installation by a seasoned professional is the best way to ensure that your concrete driveway will last for years. Concrete reinforcement with steel or rebar will help control cracking. Concrete expansion joints are critical as is a good solid base.
Carpenter bees rarely sting, but they do drill holes into bare or unpainted wood regularly to deposit their young. Pest control methods are primarily to get rid of the larvae by spraying insecticidal dust inside the holes. Another method to kill carpenter bees is to keep susceptible wood painted or apply chemical repellents every 2-4 weeks.
A chain link fence with vinyl coated chain link is very durable and comes in different colors. Look for a high quality chainlink fence constructed with fabric that is 11.5 or 11 gauge, and make sure local zoning laws allow you to install taller fence heights before installing chain link fences.
Fiber cement siding has old-fashioned charm and the fiber cement panels come in many styles. There are also cement fiber shingles in different sizes. The two materials are easy to install and can be painted.
Garage door openers are a great convenience. Get the right size garage door opener for your doors. Garage door springs must be adjusted by professionals before you install your opener.
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