Tim gives an update on the snow after entries CLOSED for his New Hampshire 2014 Snow Be Gone contest. 26 degrees F when this video was taped - April 16, 2014!
Tim gives an update on the snow after entries CLOSED for his New Hampshire 2014 Snow Be Gone contest. 26 degrees F when this video was taped - April 16, 2014!
How to Pour Concrete Quick Column Summary: Pour long lasting concrete Concrete needs a great base Add strength with steel and more cement Finish and cure for looks and strength DEAR TIM: I know you’ve answered others about how to restore damaged concrete. That’s not my issue. I must pour a new sidewalk, driveway and […]
Tim Carter invites you to enter a FUN CONTEST. Guess when all the ice and snow in his cul-de-sac will disappear! The winner gets a 9.2-pound container of Stain Solver. Click here to cast your vote.
Ready for some fun? (See note below - Contest was open for entries from March 27, 2014 until April 15, 2014) UPDATE VIDEO Posted May 5, 2014. You get to guess what day the LAST of the snow is gone from the cul-de-sac at the top of my driveway. Right now there's a massive pile. […]
Quick Column Summary: Artificial stone install DIY friendly Read all installation instructions Create a surface for rock to adhere to Use cement paint DEAR TIM: I was at a spring home show and saw a few displays that featured beautiful stone. When I asked about what type of stone it was, the man said it […]
Think about this. It's the day after St. Patrick's Day - March 18, 2014. There are still 4-foot piles of snow surrounding my driveway. Up at the top of my drive in the cul-de-sac you can find 8-foot piles of snow and ice 3-feet thick sticking on the side of the ledge! It's going to […]
Winter weather can create mayhem with concrete or asphalt driveways, sidewalks and aprons. Potholes are usually the biggest repair job of all and with a few tools and some readily available products, you can make permanent repairs to your hard pavement surfaces. The most common reason potholes re-appear is because the shape of the hole […]
I've written about pothole repair for years. The trick, in your driveway, is to undercut the edges of the pothole like a dentist repairs a cavity in your tooth. The dentist undercuts the hole so the bottom of the hole is bigger than the top. When the amalgam filling is compacted and hardens, it can't […]
How To Plan a Shed - Most Sheds are Too Small What shed size you need Determine what you will put in the shed Take shelves and hanging items into account Link to video DEAR TIM: The official start of Spring is just days away. I’ve been putting it off for years, but I’m finally […]
An Ice Runway - Only Available a Few Months You've maybe seen a light airplane land on a lake. It was outfitted with pontoons so the plane wouldn't sink. But what about landing a plane on water that just has wheels only - no floats or pontoons? Alton, NH is a unique town that has […]
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