Tim Carter has trouble on the set installing foam insulation.
Tim Carter has trouble on the set installing foam insulation.
Building a ramp into your garden shed can be done in a weekend. Just following these helpful tips to make your ramp safe and sturdy. Make sure you get the proper slope on your shed ramp so that you can get your lawn mower in and out without bottoming out.
Tim Carter describes some of the structural components of a simple ramp. But he gets confused at times calling the ramp a shed!
It's possible to repair your asphalt driveway yourself and get long-lasting results. Some extra effort and hole preparation is required to get the hole ready so that the patching material lasts.
Tim Carter shows AZEK trim boards on one of his projects in this video.
Thousands of roof on homes and other buildings suffer from black streaks. The roof algae is doesn't harm the shingles, but looks bad. To remove roof algae a solution of oxygen bleach can be applied to the roof shingles and then rinsed off. A copper strip at the top of the roof can prevent future roof algae.
Trim board rot can be caused by either trim molding material and/or installation defects. The wrong type of molding trim wood can accelerate rot. If your trim lumber has not been painted properly, your door or window trim won't last as long.
Painting a home can be expensive. There are tips on how to paint a house yourself and still get professional results. One of the first steps is getting a safe working platform. A ladder isn't the only option.
Tim Carter shares personal story of how tar paper works to keep houses dry.
Knowing the proper way to install roof shingles is critical. Pay particular attention to the written directions from the shingle manufacturer. The shingle offset is important to avoid a leaking roof.
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