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Concrete piers are vertical structural elements that support the weight of a building or structure. Their design and installation must consider the weight being supported and the frost line in your area. There are preformed concrete pier forms that provide you with the properly shaped concrete pier foundation.
The crown or top of your chimney is an important element of your chimney. The chimney crown is designed to keep your chimney dry. If it is cracked, water can get into your masonry.
Tim Carter stumbles upon an excavator moving rocks along a lake.
Tim Carter describes a precast concrete paver patio system. While the stones at first seem random and individual, Tim shows how they are clever interlocking pieces of colored concrete.
If a precast concrete paver patio is in your future, here are some tips for patio pavers. Concrete paver stones interlock so they don't move around after you have completed your patio. These are DIY friendly and if your patio is a small one, you can be sitting on your new patio in hours.
Lamp post lights will light up a dark rural street. Installing the post pole could be an issue depending upon your soil. Once the lamp post is set, you will need to run electric to it or use a solar energy light.
Tim Carter explains how to stick stones onto a wall and how to make it stand the test of time.
With some simple tools and a little sweat, you can build a garden pond with a waterfall in your backyard. Building a pond yourself allows you to create the size and shape you want.
Tim Carter shows a partially filled clean garden pond. He explains how the pond holds water, where the pump is for the waterfall and what the shelves in the pond do.
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