Tim Carter demonstrates one type of cold roof system. They help prevent wood rot and can prevent ice dams and the leaks caused by ice dams.
Tim Carter demonstrates one type of cold roof system. They help prevent wood rot and can prevent ice dams and the leaks caused by ice dams.
Tim Carter describes the SIP roof system on a timber-framed home. The cross section of the SIP panel is unbelievable in this video. You'll see the long screws used to hold the structural insulated panel in place.
Tim Carter demonstrates some very important garage design tips.
Tim Carter demonstrates in a six-part video series how to rebuild a defective front porch and permanently stop water leaks into the home.
Tim Carter demonstrates in a six-part video series how to rebuild a defective front porch and permanently stop water leaks into the home. This second video shows the hidden problem once the decking has been removed.
Tim Carter demonstrates in a six-part video series how to rebuild a defective front porch and permanently stop water leaks into the home.
Tim Carter shows the similarities of blacktop paving to the time tested method of chip seal or tar and chip.
If your yard gets wet after rains, even days later, you might need a simple drainage system. The hardpan layer deep in your soil can be blocking water run off. Use a trench drain or French drain to capture the soil water and route it away from you house and yard.
If you can't afford an enclosure storage box for your firewood, try these simple tips to cover your firewood. This will keep your rack of wood dry and ready for those winter fires.
Tim Carter shows off a unique vinyl siding. It is perfect for that hunter or outdoorsman in your family. But can you image a house covered with this?
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