Tim Carter shows off some interesting LED lights you can use on your new deck.
Tim Carter shows off some interesting LED lights you can use on your new deck.
If you are ready to build a deck using concrete piers, check out this great product. Comes complete with all the components to install your concrete pier properly.
A framing square will help you when cutting a roof rafter. The framing square has the math done for you. Just follow these tips when framing your roof.
Installing a deck flashing properly is critical to keep water from getting behind the ledger board. The deck flashing needs to overlap the deck ledger board much like shingles overlap. Follow these tips when installing flashing on your deck.
Knowing how to control erosion can save your yard or driveway. If water has too much force, it will create soil erosion. Controlling the water flow is one solution for reducing soil and water erosion.
Rain can produce a lot of water in a short period of time. Your gutter and downspout drainage system must be able to move the rain runoff away from your house. If the water stays next to your foundation, it can leak and result in a wet basement.
Concrete piers can support lots of weight when you are building your deck. The type of soil you have can affect the size and depth of the piers. In most areas, frost heave will be a consideration. Proper deck footing will keep your deck solid and safe.
What is wood rot and how can you repair rotten wood? The type of lumber being used today can accelerate wood rotting. There are some tips to help prevent wood rot in your home.
The trick when repairing brick pavers is to get the replacement brick paver level and to match colors. Brick pavers will weather outside over the years. If your replacement paver is brand new, it might not match.
Excavating a new home lot must be carefully planned. Foundation holes have to be the proper depth and not too big. Your site excavation plans needs to consider sidewalks, driveways and the trees you want to save.
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