Roof dormers can add to the look of your house. But installing dormers might not be a DIY project. Roof dormer construction requires various skills - carpentry and roofing - are just two of them.
Roof dormers can add to the look of your house. But installing dormers might not be a DIY project. Roof dormer construction requires various skills - carpentry and roofing - are just two of them.
Woodpeckers peck holes in search for food. Here are some tips for preventing woodpecker holes in wooden fence posts.
A window box has to be properly anchored to your house. Flower boxes with soil, flowers and water can weigh hundreds of pounds. Consider a French cleat to support your window boxes. French cleats work great and are hidden.
Metal flashings are an important part of roofing. The roof flashings keep rain from running down behind your siding and causing water damage to your home. These transitional materials must be installed properly to protect your home.
Tim Carter shows how ice dams form and explains how to stop the damage they cause. He also shows a second roof on the same house with no ice dam and explains the mystery of no ice and ice dam solutions.
The mystery holes in the foundation were made by the foundation form panels. If they are leaking, there are concrete repair products for foundation repairs. Be sure the concrete repair is done with an expanding foundation repair product.
Can a chimney repair be done during cold temperatures? Masonry chimney repair is dicey during cold weather. Cold weather will affect the curing of the mortar. If it must be done, store bags of mortar mix or Portland cement inside for a day to get them to room temperature.
There are a variety of garage floor treatments. Garage floor finishes can range from floor paint to epoxy garage floor sealers. But sometimes the right choice for a garage floor would be a plain concrete floor.
Tim Carter shows what ice and water shield is on a new roof. This product will seal around the shingle nails and stop water leaks in your home.
Tim Carter discusses what a control joint is, how to install one and WHY they are so important.
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