Tim Carter shows a precast concrete deck pier before and after installation. He compares pros and cons of all styles.
Tim Carter shows a precast concrete deck pier before and after installation. He compares pros and cons of all styles.
Tim Carter describes installing a concrete footer in this multi-part series. This video shows the poured footer with the keyway. The keyway helps keep the foundation wall from shifting.
Tim Carter describes installing a concrete footer in this multi-part series. The concrete for the foundation footer gets poured into the footer formers in this video.
Tim Carter describes installing a concrete footer in this multi-part series. A footer spreads the weight of the foundation and the rest of the house over the soil.
Tim Carter shows a power screed in action. It's amazing and astounding.
Tim Carter shows how a bull float is used on freshly poured concrete.
Tim Carter describes some common hand tools used when pouring a concrete slab. He also shows a fancy gasoline-powered tool that will amaze and astound you!
Tim Carter talks about adding calcium chloride flakes to fresh concrete. Carter discusses what that does to the chemical reaction happening inside the concrete.
Tim Carter shows one way to pour a concrete slab. This Part 4 of a multi-part series on the topic.
Tim Carter shows one way to pour a concrete slab. This Part 3 of a multi-part series on the topic.
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