There are guidelines when you build a fire pit. Fire pits are regulated in many communities. Consider the natural view when planning your outdoor fire pit. Prevailing winds should be considered when placing a fire pit.
There are guidelines when you build a fire pit. Fire pits are regulated in many communities. Consider the natural view when planning your outdoor fire pit. Prevailing winds should be considered when placing a fire pit.
Blacktop crack repair can be a messy job. Newer crack sealers include one that is applied with a standard caulk gun. Use of foam backer rods can assist with the appearance of your blacktop crack filler. Carefully read all directions so an important step is not missed.
Tim Carter demonstrates how to use a manual log splitter and discusses whether or not a manual log splitter is right for your job.
Tim Carter walks you through the pros and cons of three different log splitting methods: a manual log splitter, a gas powered hydraulic log splitter and a wood splitting maul. Each of these log splitters have pros and cons. Select the right log splitter for your project.
Continuous ridge vent is just one of the types of roof vents available. Turbine roof vents provide ventilation when the wind blows. Roof vents are needed both in the summer and winter.
Tim Carter reveals which gutter guard system worked best on his home during his gutter guard tests.
Your deck railing can fail if your deck construction was not done in the proper order. When building a deck, the deck railings should be painted prior to construction.
A concrete overlay is a great way to patch your spalling concrete sidewalk, driveway or stucco. Discover how to repair your concrete. Concrete overlays can last years if the concrete work is done properly.
A screened porch can add a lot to your home. But only if the screened porch plans are well thought out. When getting ready to build a screened in porch, consider the furniture you want to have and the number of people you want to fit in the screened-in porch.
Tim Carter walks you through how to use a pressure washer to clean moss, lichen and algae off your roof without damaging the shingles.
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