Asphalt shingles need a roofing underlayment of felt. If your roofing is installed without a felt underlayment, it may void your insurance coverage. An underlayment for asphalt shingles also covers irregularities and improves the appearance of your roof shingles.
Cedar shakes create a beautiful roof, hard to duplicate, but often mimicked. Cedar shake roofing must be maintained periodically and protected with preservatives to extend the life of the cedar shake and to maintain its status as 'roof beautiful'.
To keep your cedar shakes in top condition, you must regularly clean them and keep them free of debris. Control moss and preserve your cleaned cedar shake roofing properly. Read these tips for properly maintaining cedar shake and for roof safety.
Install the best cedar shakes on your new or existing roof. Only members of the Cedar Shake Bureau can use trademark grade names for the best cedar shake roofing. Sources of important cedar shake information and preservatives are listed here.
Shingles on many homes are now showing streaky, black stains for the first time. This roofing problem has escalated in past years and appears out of the blue on the roof. Roof algae has overtaken the roofing shingles - but there is a solution. Clean your roofing shingle with oxygen bleach and add copper or zinc strips. Here's why your shingles are suffering.
Algae resistant shingles are usually available in all 50 states of the USA. To locate a local supplier of roofing shingles, try one of the listed manufacturers. Great sources of algae info and algae resistant roofing shingle information are also available.
Slate roofing is beautiful and long lasting, gracing castles in Europe and homes in the U.S. Slate does become brittle, falls dangerously, and requires special techniques to affix and repair. A new option for a roof of slate is now available for your new home or building. Read these facts and tips if you own or plan to install a slate roof.
Helpful and informative slate literature is available from the following slate quarriers and distributors. Two top notch trade publications are also listed.
Repairing a roof of slate is not a DIY project. Slate roofing can be slippery and dangerous, and requires special tools and special skill. Here's what to do if you proceed on your own... or what to watch for if you hire out repair of your roofing slate.
Aluminum gutters advanced gutter technology greatly. Seamless gutters do have seams and can leak. Traditional aluminum rain gutters are available that look seamless, come in lengths up to 37 feet long and have an invisible hanger system, like some of the seamless gutter systems. When selecting a gutter for your home, focus on attributes that will make your gutters last.