Elliot Moore Smart House Colony Scam On September 16, 2023 at 1:18 AM in the morning, I received an email from Elliot Moore. Elliot claims he is a writer/photographer for a website called SmartHouseColony. He put forth an allegation that I had stolen one of his photographs which you see on this page of my […]
Three Season Room Problems - There Can Be Many Not too long ago Philip reached out to me. I’ve mentioned in past columns that each week I solve countless problems for homeowners just like you. For me, it’s similar to putting together a jigsaw puzzle or playing the board game of Clue. You present me […]
How to Minimize Exterior Wood Maintenance One of the things I enjoy most about writing my column is communicating with readers just like you. As often happens, a reader will visit my www.AsktheBuilder.com website and use the form on the Ask Tim page to get help. Not too long ago Bob did this. He lives […]
How to Prevent Cost Overruns on Your Projects You have a county coroner who performs autopsies on some who have been sent back to Heaven. I do autopsies too each week. Many of them. You may have been one of the many homeowners who have reached out to me asking for me to throw you […]
DIY Dangers - You Can Cause Structural Collapse I live in rural central New Hampshire. It’s the Live Free or Die state. I believe in that motto to a very large degree but I’m also interested in making sure innocent people don’t get hurt or killed should a building or deck collapse. Just a few […]
How to Make Your Asphalt Shingles Last 50 Years Eight years ago I was in the middle of a roof replacement project on my own home. My thirty-year warranted asphalt shingles looked like they were fifty years old. They were curled, large patches of felt paper with no granules were showing, and each time it […]
How Much Do You Know About Sandpaper? I’m thankful to have had enough trips around the sun that my adult children are finally calling me asking for advice about their projects. I hope you’re blessed to experience this transfer of knowledge. First things first, it’s a real treat to help them avoid mistakes followed closely […]
Why is it Hot in My House? There are Many Reasons Are you hot and bothered? It’s been a very hot summer so far with record temperatures in many states. Here where I live in central New Hampshire, we’ve had a long spell of high humidity mixed with higher-than-normal temperatures. Normally you have to sleep […]
How to Create a Realistic New Home Building Budget Are you thinking of building a new home or doing a major remodeling project? If so, I’ve got some sobering news for you. After reading this column you may understand why the moniker my three kids coined for me years ago is spot on. Around the […]
Clay Paving Brick are the Best - Forget About Concrete Pavers If you read my column on a regular basis, then you know about two months ago I touched on the perils of using paving brick made from concrete. That column talked about how those bricks fade in color over time as the thin colored […]