House Plans Podcast - Great Plans Save Money This is the first podcast in new house podcast series that's following the construction of Tim Carter's daughter's home in Downeast Maine. Great house plans and specifications will save you lots of money. Tim explains why in the short 5-minute podcast. Related Links Small House Plans - […]
Are you a new subscriber? Welcome Aboard! All other salts can get back to swabbing the decks and polishing the yardarms! It's a Friday, and I've got a few stories for you. If you're a NEW subscriber, this is NOT my usual format, so hang in there. New House Podcast Series I've decided to create […]
New House Podcast Series - A Stunning Home in Downeast Maine This is the page where you'll discover links to each and every episode of the special New House Podcast Series. This series is following the actual construction of Tim Carter's daughter's new home in Downeast Maine. Episode 1: House Plans Episode 2: Stake Out […]
Are you new around these parts? Welcome, pardner! Have you been watering your horse here for some time? You know the rules, be nice to people and think of yourself last. This is a somewhat strange newsletter. The inspiration for today's newsletter came from this photo: You may wonder what the tall poles are all […]
Everstryke Pro Lighter Review - Small, Perfect and It Works I purchased the Everstryke Pro compact emergency survival lighter to see how it compares to my Numyth Tohil survival lighter. I discovered you can no longer get the Numyth Tohil and I wanted a spare lighter. How Small is the Everstryke Pro? The Everstryke Pro is somewhat […]
"It's important to realize this permeance rating was achieved just testing a single piece of felt paper on its own. Adding other materials on top of the felt paper could radically change the felt paper's ability to transfer water vapor back out to the atmosphere." Felt Paper Vapor Barrier? You Bet It Can Be You […]
Building Blues My oldest daughter and son-in-law are building a new home in Downeast Maine. It’s their first home and you can imagine they’re excited. It’s a good thing they’re young and full of energy because the building process can be stressful and full of surprises. The project was delayed for any number of reasons, […]
Roof Flashing Podcast 28 - Click to Listen: Roof Flashing - Tim Carter, the founder of, provides you with the basics about flashings. It's important to realize the vast majority of leaks happen at these important flashings. Listen to the above podcast to gain valuable knowledge and tips. Where are flashings on a roof? […]
Today is Veterans Day in the USA. It marks the anniversary of the signing of the armistice that ended the Word War I hostilities between Germany and the Allies. Living veterans, as well as veterans who have passed away after being discharged from active military duty, are also honored on this day. Today is not […]
New Home Construction Estimator Podcast: New Home Construction Estimator - Tim Carter, the founder of, shares in this short podcast news about a simple tool that allows you to estimate the cost of your new home with minimal work. You can save thousands of dollars, months of valuable time, and prevent misery from […]