Solar Attic Fan Tough Love Question #1: Tim, can you cut through the fog of confusion about solar attic fans? I just want the tough-love truth. Do they really work or are they mostly hype? What does it take to really cool an attic space? My husband really thinks it’s a great idea to buy […]
"I think the decking can get to over 160 F, or more, the closer you are to the summer solstice. " Temperature of Composite Decking - Can Cause Burns Fast! The temperature of composite decking is hotter than you'd ever imagine. I tested my own Trex Transcend composite decking. Free & Fast Bids CLICK HERE […]
Howdy stranger. Are you new around these parts? Welcome! Don't pay any attention to the locals who might tell tall tales about me and some of my exploits outside of the realm of home improvement. 😉 Two days ago, I received the most unusual phone call from Bridgett. She's an interior designer from southern California. […]
Welcome if you're a new subscriber! Don't let any of the seasoned subscribers tell you to wear the funny hat all day. That's bunkum and balderdash. Do you have issues with odors at your home? Cats are notorious for marking. My own Lady the Dog used to stink up her favorite lounge chair with the […]
Whole House & Attic Fans Question #1: Tim, what can you tell me about whole house fans and attic fans? Do they really work to cool an attic space? I’m not sure which one I should consider one since I have air conditioning. What’s required to allow them to work at peak efficiency? Robert T., […]
Ask the Builder Podcast 18 Highlights: Settlement Cracks in Walls Podcast Sponsor: Stain Solver - Certified Organic Oxygen Bleach Home Improvement and Home Construction Podcast Photos, Links and Great Stuff: Settlement Cracks in Walls Related Links: Settlement Cracks and More Pro Tips Subscribe to the AsktheBuilder Podcast
Pro for Sho Ear Muffs - They Offer You Their 34 DB of Protection The Pro for Sho ear muffs are quite interesting to me because of how compact they are. Each earmuff folds up under the over-the-head strap that connects them. That's the first thing I noticed when I removed them from the box. […]
STIHL AK30 Battery - Same Size As AK20 But Way More Power The STIHL AK30 lithium-ion battery pack is loaded with power. Lots of it. It's 36 volts and has a 4.8 aH rating. That's fancy talk for your tool will run a much longer time. STIHL AK30 Comparison Table The first version of this […]
Skylight Melting Siding Can and Does Happen It's possible for a skylight melting siding story to be in your local paper or here online. I know it's possible because I've felt the searing heat on my own face from sunlight that's concentrated and reflected by the slightly concave glass on my own skylight. I was […]
Are you new? Howdy, and get ready to have your brain filled with knowledge! 😉 Been around the block or two with me? You know the drill. Click the links below and be amazed! It's been a strange summer. Somehow August has crept up on me. I've got lots to do in a short amount […]