Turn Off Natural Gas - It's Very Easy If you smell natural gas at your home, do the following things: GET OUT of the house immediately (read the tragic story of Tim's friends) Turn off natural gas to house if the meter is outside Call 911 Get at least 200 feet away from the house […]
Broken Sink Stopper Question #1: Tim, is it true you said in a past column you’re a master plumber? If it is, I need your help. My bathroom sink stopper is not working right. When I pull up the knob in the center of the faucet not much happens. It used to work great. The […]
Holes in Ceramic Tile Question #1: Tim, how in the heck do you drill a simple hole into ceramic tile? I’ve been trying to do it for the past half hour and nothing is happening except the drill bit is getting red hot. I just grabbed my husband’s cordless drill and put a bit into […]
New subscriber? Welcome. This is a quirky issue, but important. Veteran sub? You know every now and then I have an issue like this that's a KEEPER. Belated Happy Mothers Day I just realized today is Fathers Day and I FORGOT to wish all you mothers out there a great day a month ago! Well, […]
"Flash floods are the most common hazards for building lots. These floods affect land that may seem safe." Building Lots For Sale - Not All Are Great The building lots for sale you're looking at may seem to be fine, but there could be many hazards that could affect the lot. Here are the […]
Klein 44223 Spring-Assisted Open Pocket Knife - Tough as Nails The Klein 44223 spring-assisted open pocket knife will not disappoint you. The first thing I noticed when I removed it from the packaging is its weight. It's got some heft to it as it tips my accurate postal scale at 5.5 ounces. Weight can be […]
Roof Moss & Algae Question #1: I need your expert advice, Tim. My asphalt shingle roof has some green stuff on it. I’m not sure if it’s moss or algae. How do you tell the difference between the two? What’s the best way to remove them without harming the shingles? Once the roof is clean, […]
New subscriber? Mahalo for trusting I can help you. Veteran? You know why I said Mahalo above. 😉 Stain Solver FLASH SALE We're about to manufacture more Stain Solver. Kathy and I own the company. For you new subscribers, it's the only certified organic oxygen bleach I'm aware of in the USA. Here's my FAVORITE […]
New subscriber? Welcome and this is not a normal newsletter. Veteran? Even more sad and disturbing news. The Lanfords A few days ago, I shared the story about my friends Audri and Jim Lanford who got sent to the Pearly Gates when their home exploded in Boone, NC last Thursday at 5:08 p.m. This tragedy […]