Painting walls, woodwork and wood trim can be tricky. Interior painting tips for interior woodwork, walls, and painting trim are here to save you time.
Painting walls, woodwork and wood trim can be tricky. Interior painting tips for interior woodwork, walls, and painting trim are here to save you time.
Using R value guidelines to upgrade your insulation is likely a smart move. R values, established by the U.S. Dept. of Energy for walls, ceilings, floors, and other areas of your home, are really minimum requirements. Check insulation R values recommended for your area on the map and table here. Increased insulation R value in your ceilings and wall insulation will bank extra energy dollars saved in no time!
Chipped tile repair is easy if you have the right products and some skill. You need oil paint that matches the color of the tile, special primer and clear two-part marine epoxy. It is also a good idea to have some toothpicks handy.
A new home construction checklist can keep you on track during planning and construction to assure quality. This home construction checklist provides over fifty items to plan into your contract and to watch during inspection. A new home of quality will result that you will enjoy for years.
Old gas can case issues with starting small engines. In as little as 30 days, gasoline starts to break down and attack parts of your lawn mower, chain saw, log splitter, snow blower or other small engines. Fuel additives can help protect these engines.
A washing machine may spring a leak at the water shut off valve. Simple remedies work, but replacing with a ball valve is worth the time.
How to Connect Cabinets Correct tools are a must Ratchet or screw clamps, not squeeze Pilot hole and countersink bit needed Wall cabinets first CLICK HERE to Get Tim's FREE & FUNNY Newsletter! DEAR TIM: I’m on a very tight budget and remodeling my kitchen by myself. I’m having great difficulty connecting my cabinets together. […]
Treated wood foundations can be used when you build a new home. But wood foundations may not last as long as a concrete or concrete block foundation. A permanent wood foundation must have the right mix of chemicals to ensure it never rots or is eaten by termites.
Can I Cut My Roof Trusses TIPS Trusses can be cut A structural engineer will create a plan WATCH the truss videos below Call a structural engineer to prevent roof collapse CLICK HERE to Get Tim's FREE & FUNNY Newsletter! DEAR TIM: My family is growing and I need to move my home office. I […]
Wallpaper adhesive can bond to drywall paper. Drywall that is not primed and sized properly will absorb these adhesives and tear. Drywall repair may be necessary.
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