Christmas Canon with Lyrics This is one of my very favorite Christmas songs. Everything about Johann Pachelbel's Canon in D Major is gorgeous.
Christmas Canon with Lyrics This is one of my very favorite Christmas songs. Everything about Johann Pachelbel's Canon in D Major is gorgeous.
Maine Wildlife Christmas Video Paul Cyr, a gifted photographer, captured all of the images you see in this short peaceful video. These photos transformed into a video display much of what's good in our nation. Go to northern Maine if you want to experience much of what's best in life.
I know, it's a Wednesday. Normally, you find me in your Inbox early on Sunday morning. The needle on your stress meter might be pinning. What you're about to read can change that. Today's goal is twofold: make you smile, maybe even laugh out loud let you shake the box of my Christmas gifts I'm […]
Install a New Concrete Foundation - Going Up! Recently my daughter purchased an old camp summer house on a lake. The house is about eighty years old and was built on crude cinder blocks that just rested on stony soil. Frost heave over the years has caused the doors and windows to not fit well. […]
Land Buying Checklist - Use My Checklist to Save You Lots of Money Are you one of many who are thinking of fleeing bigger cities to get away from crime, pollution, higher taxes, never-ending traffic jams, and a laundry list of other pesky problems? You’re not alone. You might be one of the millions like […]
'Twas the week before Christmas and all through the land every creature was astir doing its best to spread peace, joy, and maybe a few dark chocolate pecandes. Last-minute shopping trips, baking, cooking, and wrapping gifts might have you scurrying and skittering about marking each passing minute as we march towards Christmas morning. I was […]
Christmas is now less than two weeks away. It's hard to believe 2021 vaporized as quickly as it did. Two mornings ago, I woke up at 5:00 am thinking of you. You may find this really hard to believe, but it's true. It was pitch black here in New Hampshire as we're so very close […]
Gravity Retaining Walls - Can Be Tall LIVE Stream 12-09-2021 Ask the Builder
Gravity Retaining Wall Systems - There are Quite a Few You might have a retaining wall in your near future. I can understand why as man has used them for thousands of years to create flat, or gently sloping, terraces on hillsides. Retaining walls, though, are far more complex than you might imagine. Tall retaining […]
Wait just a minute! Did I just overhear you whispering to Carol, Sean, Maryanne, Armando, Teresa, Vito and about 90 others who are part of your corner cabal about your plans to invade Cuba? I'm sure it was my tinnitus and you being a new subscriber, must have been asking if I played the tuba […]
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