Heat Loss Calculator Tools - Easy to Use Heat loss calculator tools help you discover how fast heat seeps out of your home. You need a building heat loss calculator to properly size a furnace or boiler. How to Calculate Heat Loss There are lots of great free online tools that allow you to perform […]
Special Announcement - Last Call This is REALLY FAST. If you subscribed after 4 AM this past Sunday, this is not going to make sense. Hang in there with me. This message to you is what I call at the Ask the Builder world headquarters a Shot-Across-the-Bow email alert. This coming Sunday, January 16, 2022, […]
Issue #1164 (I think) You could be one of the hundreds of new subscribers in the past seven days. If I was a betting man, or had access to my newsletter subscription software :-> , I'd say you probably hail from Chicagoland and read my column each week in the Chicago Tribune. Chicago is my […]
This is part two of a two-part column series. In last week’s column, I shared how a huge tsunami inflation wave is cresting and about to wash over you. You can’t afford to waste a penny on home improvement projects. I decided to gift you some helpful products that ensure you preserve as much of […]
If you're a new subscriber, what a first issue to receive! In the 25+ years I've published this newsletter, I've NEVER done one like this. PLEASE READ it closely. If you've subscribed after December 12, 2021, you should really read that past issue first. The inflation I talked about three weeks ago is worse. Much […]
Author's Note: This is part one of a two-part column series. It’s quite possible these two columns will have a more positive impact on your life than the sum total of the 1,435 columns I’ve written in the past twenty-eight years. Part 2 is now posted on this website as of January 3, 2022 Here […]
Christmas Eve Morning 2021 I have a very personal Christmas tradition. I work each Christmas Eve until Noon. So did Scrooge and Bob Cratchit. It's an odd tradition, but one I do cherish. Years ago, I was the only one on the job site on Christmas Eve. It was so peaceful. The pace was slow. […]
Maine Wildlife Christmas Video Paul Cyr, a gifted photographer, captured all of the images you see in this short peaceful video. These photos transformed into a video display much of what's good in our nation. Go to northern Maine if you want to experience much of what's best in life.
I know, it's a Wednesday. Normally, you find me in your Inbox early on Sunday morning. The needle on your stress meter might be pinning. What you're about to read can change that. Today's goal is twofold: make you smile, maybe even laugh out loud let you shake the box of my Christmas gifts I'm […]