Tim Carter demonstrates how to get professional painting results by caulking all cracks between woodwork and walls before painting. Discover how to caulk using a caulking gun.
Tim Carter demonstrates how to get professional painting results by caulking all cracks between woodwork and walls before painting. Discover how to caulk using a caulking gun.
Ceramic tile floors are in many homes. They make a great floor unless one of the ceramic tiles gets cracked. Ceramic tile repair has two options - complete tile replacement or filling the crack.
Does it make sense to buy the most efficient heat pump? It depends on your climate, location and energy costs. This chart makes a comparison of the heat pump efficiency, electric cost, yearly savings and lifetime operating cost.
Heat pumps are very popular units. A heat pump is one of the most complex units in a typical residential home. A special thermostat is required for the proper operation between heat pump operation and the auxiliary electric resistance heating. Here are some simple facts about the heat pump mechanics.
Topographic maps will tell you a lot about a lot. The spacing of the topographic lines will indicate any hills or valleys on that piece of property. Topography will aid in spotting streams or storm water retention basins on the lot before you purchase it.
Foundation cracks are a serious matter, regardless of the type of crack. The following illustrations show the various types of foundation and basement cracks. These include hairline wall cracks, stair step concrete block cracks and cracks from the basement windows.
Here is a list of items to consider in the cost of your bathroom remodeling job. Some of these items will include both material costs and labor expenses.
Y2K are you prepared? Do you need to get prepared? Just in case, here is a survival checklist for preparing your family and home for the pending doom.
A walk-through inspection is a must. Written notes, comments and sketches will save you time and money with the contractor. Write down everything and give a copy to your contractor. Be sure to have both parties sign the inspection checklist.
Ever battle those packing peanuts used for packing? The plastic used in those plastic foam peanuts are used in air filters. These plastics maintain a static charge just sitting there. Electrostatic air filters attach dust in a similar fashion. An electrostatic air filter can help clean your house.
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