Tool boxes come in all different shapes and sizes. Tim Carter shares new tool box and tool storage solutions. Modern toolboxes have many more features than the older metal tool box. A new light weight plastic toolbox has storage compartments on top of the lid for small items, such as screws, nails, wire nuts, hardware, drill bits and/or screw bits. Inside is a lift out tray and a large storage area below the tray.
Tools are a key to making a job go smoothly. Tim Carter shares how to select tools that are helpful and time-saving to make your jobs a little easier. Some of his favorite hand tools include a wood rasp and a pipe cutter. A rasp is a great wood working tool to give you a professional look. Special screw drive bits and a plumb bob are also in his toolbox.
A fire sprinkler system can save you a lot of money and hassle if there is a fire in your home. Tim Carter of discusses all new fire sprinkler design and how to install them.
These manufacturers of cast iron fixtures, fiberglass shower enclosures and acrylic bathtubs offer great choices. Contact them for product information and to have your installation questions answered.
Granite countertops, slate floors, terrazzo, marble are add unique touches to your home. Contact these granite quarriers and stone associations to obtain more information on these alternative floorings.
Cork flooring has been used for years in many public buildings. Cork floors provide a resilient floor with sound deadening characteristics. Install cork flooring is done with adhesive on a smooth surface. With it's unique characteristics and look, a cork floor provides a great alternative flooring choice.
Roof leaks are often caused by a faulty roof flashing. The metal roof flashing may not have been installed properly. This column provides illustrations of common roof flashings and installation tips.