Painting kitchen cabinets will renew the look and costs less than replacements. Painting cabinets is a tough job, but follow these tips and ideas on painting kitchen cabinets for a professional looking finish. Don't forget to select the proper paint brushes.
Housewrap is thin plastic that stops air infiltration into your house. Some housewraps let water vapor pass between the fibers. Installation and manufacturers of these air infiltration barriers are outlined.
Dishwashers now have electronic sensors to help save money and clean your dishes better. How much energy savings will you see? Check these manufacturers of standard and electronic dishwashers. Steps for installing a dishwasher are provided for the DIY'er.
Furnaces are expensive, but the newer ones are energy efficient. What is the payback period for the higher efficiency unit? Will you save money? Here are some simple energy bill calculations you can make.
HVAC systems are very expensive. What is the payback period for the higher efficiency unit? Projected energy savings? Consider these factors and others when purchasing a new air conditioner and/or furnace.
Water-saving toilets use less water to flush. These toilets are undergoing changes. Manufacturers of water saving toilets are listed. Installing a residential toilet - it's a piece of cake!
Construction photographs help in many ways - details the construction, shows faulty workmanship, locates pipes years down the road, etc. Here is a list of fifty photographs every homeowner should have.
Carpet buying is tough because there are many variables to consider. Residential carpet is available in nylon, polyester, olefin, wool or a combination. There are other characteristics to consider - face weight, fiber density, twist, tuft bind and durability. Carpet padding is often misunderstood. What is the best padding for the carpet?