Buy a Hard Cover Dictionary It's really easy to change the definition of a word in an online dictionary. It takes seconds. And I know it's happening online. We can't have invisible people changing the definition of words for goodness sake! But no one can easily change the definition of a word in a dictionary […]
Drain Flies How to Get Rid Of - Easy! My friend Jim from Cincinnati, texted me the other day: "How do I get rid of drain flies?" I replied, "Simple..." I then outlined the steps in the text message. Here they are for you. Step 1: Remove the drain cover and use a toilet brush, […]
I shared a story in my August 8, 2021 newsletter how I stopped at lemonade stand that had a T-Rex handing out the nectar. Erik Thorson is one of my newsletter subscribers and he reached out to me telling me about a song he wrote about lemonade. It's pretty good, just like the liquid refreshment. […]
Whatcha doing standing with Emma, Janna, John, Monica, Fausto, and JM? Why of course, this is your first issue and you're all chattering about what to expect! Well, it's a pretty good issue if I don't say so myself! But what about you? Have you been around here umpteen years like Patrick? Do you remember […]
Roofing 101 - What you Need to Know I have no clue how many new roofs are installed in the USA each year, but it’s got to be in the hundreds of thousands. Perhaps a new roof is in your future or in the next few years. If so, you’d be wise to retrieve it […]
I see you standing in the group with Lindsay, Robert, Barbara, Marcia, Mike, and a scad of others. This is your first issue and I welcome you! This issue, however, might be your 378th one! I've published nearly 1000 newsletters and who knows, you may be one of my first subscribers! Do you remember the […]
Author's Note: It’s not about the virus, illness, nor death. Never was. It’s about the experimental injection. Always has been. Is that the Pied Piper you hear? Update: August - 2024 The following meme says it all. If you succumbed to the powerful psychology to get the jab, you were taken for a fool. Your critical-thinking […]
A Textured Kitchen Ceiling is Hard to Clean I’ve lost count of the questions I’ve answered. It’s in the tens of thousands over the past twenty-eight years. Most questions are pretty straightforward and the answers are somewhat obvious. However, every now and then I’m blessed with an email from a homeowner that provides an incredible […]
Cork Flooring | Mt. Washington | Wet Basements No wonder you're standing next to Don, Debbi, Preston, Antoinette, Dana, Cheryl, and about 50 other new subscribers who've joined the party since last Sunday. Welcome! How about you, though? You may have been getting my missives for so long that you clearly remember my early thespian […]
Do the math. The road is about 7.5 miles long. He did it in UNDER 5 minutes and 45 seconds. That makes his AVERAGE speed over 60 mph!!! On some short stretches, he was probably doing 80 mph or higher! Remember, there's NO GUARDRAIL on this road. Update - August 2021 - He sets a […]