Patching plaster walls is not too difficult depending upon the size of the holes being patched. The materials used to patch plaster are special. Drywall joint compound is not an acceptable patching material.
Patching plaster walls is not too difficult depending upon the size of the holes being patched. The materials used to patch plaster are special. Drywall joint compound is not an acceptable patching material.
Box gutters can be found on many old and historical buildings. They were the gutter of choice years ago before pre-formed metal gutters became widely popular. Box gutters are invisible from the ground and they are somewhat easy to repair.
Imagine if roof trusses installed on your new home don't match the roof of the model home you were shown. Whose fault is it and what can be done to get the roof and ceiling you thought you were buying?
How to install a toilet is not as big a question as you might think it is. It requires moderate skills and you must install the piping to code. Failure to do this could lead to serious health problems.
A concrete or blacktop driveway always begins at the street or roadway. This portion of the driveway must be very strong to resist damage from heavy trucks that might use the driveway to turn around.
Roof trusses can be heavy, especially those covered with sheets of oriented strand board (OSB). Cranes must be used to lift them up. But carpenters don't have to smash holes in the OSB with hammers to make this possible.
Reflective foil insulation really stops the movement of heat. This foil acts as a radiant barrier both in the summer and winter. The reflective barrier foil works best in the summer when the temperatures are higher.
Foundation drain tile is a critical component in new construction. This pipe and the clean gravel that surrounds it quickly moves water away from your foundation. If water is not drawn away from a foundation, it can leak into a basement or crawlspace.
Frost inside an attic is a sign that something is terribly wrong. Water vapor is condensing on the cold roof surfaces and then freezing. The source of the water must be found and stopped. Wood rot and mold are a reality if the frost continues to form.
Some residential lots are not very flat. Building a slab house on this sloping ground can create extra work and expense. Constructing a full basement is perhaps a better choice in this situation.
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