AAMA certification of vinyl windows means quality. Windows bearing this special label meet the rigors of independent lab test standards.
AAMA certification of vinyl windows means quality. Windows bearing this special label meet the rigors of independent lab test standards.
Buy vinyl windows that allow you to replace the glass. Avoid having to replace the entire sash or mismatching vinyl color that may have yellowed.
Low e glass windows offer insulation against heat and cold. Two types of low e glass, soft and hard coat, look and perform differently. Soft coat low e glass has a higher r value. This table will compare glass r values.
Low-e window glass provides insulating r value to keep the temperature of the window close to the temperature of the room air. This insulation provides comfort and energy savings. UV blockage varies with the low e glass. Low e film also produces impressive results for your windows.
These window manufacturers use different types of low e glass: soft coat, hard coat and low-e film. This chart summarizes the windows they produce and additional sources of information are offered.
When windows need replacing, vinyl and aluminum combo windows can be the right replacement windows to enhance the value of your home.
Buying new vinyl windows is an investment - affecting looks, comfort, value, and resale of your home. These tips will show you what to watch for in vinyl clad window quality, as well as in sales personnel!
Aluminum and vinyl windows were certified under ANSI-AAMA standards into the 90's, at which time, standards were changed. An additional quality factor was added, which narrowed certified manufacturers considerably. Standards of quality are now upheld by AAMA/NWWDA certification.
Wood windows need special handling or damage can result. Ventilate the storage area of your wood replacement windows and keep them covered to stay clean and dry. Avoid handling the windows without gloves to keep stains from botching the paint job later. These tips will detail some important wood window installation requirements.
If purchasing wood windows, sort through all the confusion with ease by buying only NWWDA certified windows. Look for the NWWDA labels certifying that your wood replacement windows meet those high standards...or keep shopping A list is included here for manufacturers who also provide an NWWDA certified water repellant wood preservative for their windows.
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