Surfside City Condo Collapse - My Early Guess: Rusty Rebar Fractures and Weakened Concrete Columns This past weekend, my wife asked me all sorts of questions about the tragic sudden collapse of the 40-year-old condominium building near Miami, Florida. We’ve dated since high school and she knows I’ve got a geology degree instead of one […]
If you're a new subscriber and you speak Greek, I'd say "Teekanis" to you right now. You'd probably reply, "Cala!" Yes, yes, I know I butchered both words, but it's what my Greek bosses would say to me when I came to work each day at Skyline Chili in Cincinnati. Bottom Line: Hello! Bring more […]
Build a Cardboard Boat - Sears Editors Conference 1999 I was lucky to be part of the team that was destined to build a cardboard boat that set a Florida state record. The year, I believe, was 1999. Mike Mangan, the public relations manager for Sears, invited me to my first ever Sears Editors Conference […]
How to Prevent Bats in Attic - Very Easy IMPORTANT Author Note: After this column was featured in the July 4, 2021 newsletter, a subscriber was kind enough to share her frightening and expensive story about a bat encounter. It's at the bottom of this column. I URGE you to read it. Bats frighten many […]
3D Printed House Cost - It's Not All Unicorns and Rainbows You may wonder if the new belle of the ball, 3D printed house, is really going to cost you less money to build than a normal house. Some publications fawn about new techniques like these and only share the glitter and gleam of the […]
I can tell by the smile on your face that you're new here. How exciting to get your first issue of my newsletter! I recommend we dance to celebrate. CLICK or TAP HERE to see what song is swirling around in my head! It should make you feel pretty happy. That said, you may remember […]
Connecting Deck Posts and Piers - Use the Right Hardware QUESTION: Tim, you helped me years ago and now I’m back. I’m going to build a freestanding deck at my house during my vacation. After watching lots of online videos, I’m somewhat confused about how to connect the deck posts to the concrete piers. What […]
Welcome, especially if this is your first issue. I love saying "Hello!" to you and every other new subscriber right up top here. That said, you may be a very seasoned subscriber. Do you happen to recall the video I did that shows you how easy it is to drill a hole in just about […]
How to Square a Building Last week, a 75-year-old man submitted a question on the Ask Tim page of my website. I get quite a few each week and answer each one. This particular question put a huge smile on my face because it screamed “ATTITUDE”. Connie, yes it can be a name for […]