A closet of cedar is easiest to construct in a new home, but with some effort, an existing closet can be converted. Use cedar planks, cedar chip flakeboard or cedar veneer plywood for your aromatic cedar closet. Read these cedar closet construction tips before you begin.
Cedar protects various clothing fabrics and fights musty odor. Use cedar lumber for a cedar chest, a cedar closet, in drawers or seal in a simple box with your items. These do's and don'ts will keep your aromatic cedar working and explain how to restore aromatic cedar when it needs refreshing.
Attic ladders come in varieties of types and reliability. From a folding ladder or stairway to a one piece disappearing stairway, folding ladders for attic access were unregulated for many years. When choosing folding stairs, look for sturdy treads and hardware to start. These tips will help you choose an attic access ladder that will provide safe and lasting usage.
Attic ladders can get you into your storage area in a limited space allotment. Your stairway can consist of a folding attic ladder or stairs, a sliding attic ladder or create attic access with a disappearing stairway. These tips will guide your folding attic ladder installation from creating the opening to the final trim.
Attic ladders run the gamut of quality. If your folding ladder is not up to par, check these manufacturers and tips for a stairway to your attic that is safe. Folding attic ladders or stairs that last are available.
Hearing loss is a result of sound intensity and length of time the ear is exposed to the noise. It doesn't take long to hurt your hearing. All noise above 85 decibels will do damage to your ears, and many regular daily noises are above that range. Protect your ears with a variety of hearing protection devices, such as simple ear plugs and ear muffs.
It may surprise you how much damage can be done to an ear from loud, everyday noises. Protect your ears from hearing loss with ear plugs and ear muffs, and use this chart to know what decibels put you at risk. Stay below 85 decibels for your hearing protection. Above that level, use earplugs or earmuffs.
Hearing loss can be prevented with quality ear plugs or ear muff hearing protection. Don't take chances with your hearing. Buy only rated and labeled earplugs and earmuffs that keep air and noise from reaching your eardrum.
If you want to fight fire and theft for your valuables and documents, buy the best safe protection you can afford. Obtain literature on the safes of interest and consult local police and fire officials about the level of protection the products provide you. Trade publications offer vast resources of information to help you make good decisions about fireproof and thief resistant wall or floor safes or fireproof storage boxes to protect your document storage and valuables.
Do you need fire or theft/burglar protection - or both from your safe? Check all safes for test performance, avoid used safes, check out hidden hinges, locks and warranties. Read these guidelines to help determine the fireproof and theft/burglar resistant safes that will protect your document storage and valuables.