Fire and burglar resistant safes come in several models and price ranges. A fireproof safe is far easier to come by than a safe that can bungle a thief. Theft resistant safes are expensive as they need to be heavy to impede mobility. A fire safe can be far more affordable, but needs to be hidden well and above any potential flood or water damage.
Fire, flood and theft safe document storage for your valuable papers is an important consideration, as they cannot be replaced easily if catastrophe strikes. There is no one option offering complete document protection. Make copies and store in different locations, and be sure to house them in a fireproof safe or storage box, hidden in locations recommended by local fire and police officials.
Use closet organizers to remedy wasted space and alleviate clutter and confusion. This primer covers installing a wire bedroom closet organizer for storage, which is fairly quick and simple to do. Wood closet organizer systems are more "weighty" prospects and may not be the best project for DIY.
Closet organizers will free up storage space and save time with less clutter. These closet organizer manufacturers all have informative literature to help you visualize the closet design potential for your home. A closet organization system can be constructed in wire, wood, or melamine covered fiberboard.
If you have no basement or reliable tornado or storm shelter to protect your family, this underground adaptation of a septic tank may be the easy, quick solution for shelter from the storm!
Filters for wet dry vacuums and air filtration devices capture smaller particles of dust than heretofore. Wet and dry vacuums offer two types of filters, and other available dust collection and air filtration systems make the task of dust containment far easier than in years past.
You can extend the lifetime of your wet dry vacuum nearly indefinitely by simply keeping the filter clean and in place. Dust sucked into the wet and dry vacuum cleaner motor will destroy it. When purchasing a wet dry vacuum, check the manufacturer and warranty. Be sure they will be around in several years to cover your vacuum.
Wet dry vacuums have become multi purpose equipment. Now quieter, rust free, and tough, wet and dry vacuum cleaners offer a host of useful attachments and can even pump out the water they collect.
A wet dry vacuum is a fairly simple machine, with minimal moving parts. This comparison chart may help you decide which wet and dry vacuum cleaner to bring home.
Hurricane and tornado storms look for the weakest links in your home. Fight back by strengthening your next home with metal connectors that tie your roof and walls to the foundation. Direct hits by hurricanes or tornadoes will overcome these connectors, but homes out of direct line will gain valuable time to seek shelter and have a much better chance to last through the storm.