Plumbing vent pipes can clog causing problems such as sewer gas in your home. Vents need to be checked for clogs. Your vents should be checked by pouring water into them to see if they are clear.
Plumbing vent pipes can clog causing problems such as sewer gas in your home. Vents need to be checked for clogs. Your vents should be checked by pouring water into them to see if they are clear.
Bath remodeling can be stressful to the family, and completing the work can be done in reasonable time with good planning. Pay attention to these tips about protecting your wallet when making payment to the contractor.
Bathrooms are heavily used home areas, yet taken for granted. If you are building or remodeling a bath, use the opportunity to include some items and space that will make a real difference. These remodeling tips will help you with ideas for your bath remodeling project or new construction and help you finalize your bathroom plans.
Energy can be saved with a radiant barrier of extra attic insulation. Energy savings add up with radiant barrier foil chips installed. This radiant barrier insulation reflects heat back to its source. Check out other ways here to accomplish energy bill savings.
More garage storage is often greatly needed. Use wasted space with cabinets, shelving, movable bins and other garage storage solutions.
Storage can be built more easily with available metal connectors. Use them to connect sections of cabinets, shelving, storage units, a workbench or other garage storage solutions.
Adding a closet is a good beginner project requiring minimal skills. Closet design upfront is important to assure your closets will meet your needs. Whether you need a walk in closet or you want to build a closet in a corner, I will guide you through how to build a closet space that you can utilize in two days.
Need to add a closet in the corner - or a walk in closet in your home? Here is a closet design for each of the closets with a materials list to help you build a closet space you can use quickly.
Wall shelving made easy! Clear your clutter and reclaim your life by building shelves to hold your accumulations off the floor. Storage shelves are simple to build. With a little DIY skill and 2 to 3 hours, you will have storage shelving to help you reclaim wasted time looking for things!
View these shelving plans for storage shelves. This view will help you envision the shelves before you start to build them.
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