A wet bar is a fairly simple project to construct. Plan ahead to get your home wet bar dimensions, supports, and electrical needs correct for starters. These wet bar plans and construction tips will help get all those desired wet bars out there underway.
Precast concrete foundations are ideal for residential and commercial construction. Precast concrete walls are energy efficient, can be constructed in one day and are reinforced with steel rods. Precast concrete foundation wall panels are growing in popularity because of this.
If a wet bar is in your plans, these pictures of my home wet bar may spark your imagination. Wet bars offer a convenient way to relax with guests. Wet bar plans can include an array of finishes and a wet bar counter of granite, like mine, if you prefer.
Precast concrete foundations are sold by many companies. These precast concrete wall systems have seen an explosion in popularity. Here is a list of some precast foundation walls companies.
Epoxy concrete wall repair products are super for foundation leaks or cracks. For a waterproof foundation, use concrete epoxy to glue or actually weld the cracks together. Your concrete wall repairs will save you money in the long run.
A curtain drain, or French drain, is good for diverting subsurface water that can cause drainage problems around your home. French drain installation is a handy DIY project that will give you dry yard results. French drains remove water.
Concrete epoxy can fill concrete cracks successfully. Epoxy concrete in some cases is even stronger than the concrete itself! Masonry epoxy repair can easily be done, but if you are unsure, contact a pro.
These brush-on waterproofing products work well for a waterproof foundation. Make sure the surface is clean and free from paint before applying. These products do not stretch, so foundation cracks will reopen and need to be resealed.
Looking to understand plumbing in more detail? There are great plumbing books and publications that offer much detail. Plumbing system vent and drainage systems are covered with particulars along with a variety of topics. Check out these books on plumbing to get a great start.
Waterproofed foundations are seemingly waterproof, but asphalt spray only damp proofs your home. Drain tile installation can help your foundation stay dry. Proper foundation backfill is also crucial in helping your retaining walls stay strong.