Plumbing problems with sewer back up caused by tree roots in sewer pipes can be eliminated. Install PVC casings where the roots enter the sewer pipe and add copper sulfate.
Plumbing problems with sewer back up caused by tree roots in sewer pipes can be eliminated. Install PVC casings where the roots enter the sewer pipe and add copper sulfate.
Plumbing problems from a plugged sewer line can be nasty. Sewer back ups from tree roots in sewer pipes can be avoided. Sink some pipes near the offending tree roots and add chemicals to make the soil distasteful to the trees.
Chlorine bleach kills bacteria quickly, but is strong and can cause septic tank havoc. Other chlorine bleach hazards can be sidestepped by using oxygen bleach, an effective and friendly alternative.
Cleaning drain line p traps and tailpieces is not a favored task, but necessary at times. Read these tips to make the job go more smoothly.
These photos and tips show and tell the only parts you need to install a custom hose bib.
Avoid water line problems when fixing or replacing water supply lines. Plan the job ahead, determine and obtain parts needed in advance and be sure to stock up on ball valves for the job!
Water pressure loss is not only frustrating, but can be dangerous. Low water pressure can be remedied. Fixing low water pressure means either removing scale, increasing the size of water lines, or finding a leak. Follow these tips for remedying your residential water pressure.
Copper water lines are "glued" together with solder. Soldering copper pipe for water supply lines is clarified here with these tips and instructions.
Need to determine water pressure loss in your home? Low water pressure is fixable. Follow this formula to find your home water pressure.
Cast iron pipe is very easy to install and it lasts. Consider these tips and suggestions to help you install cast iron pipes with ease.
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