Water softeners for home water treatment can make hard water more tame and save appliances from hard water scale damage. Attributes of traditional and magnetic water softeners are weighed here.
Water softeners for home water treatment can make hard water more tame and save appliances from hard water scale damage. Attributes of traditional and magnetic water softeners are weighed here.
A toilet gets a lot of hard use in the average home. Understanding how toilets work can help you know what to do when something malfunctions. Here are some toilet tips.
Learn to solder copper tubing correctly. These soldering tips will help you do your own quality installation.
Installing ice makers may be made simpler by viewing these photos. Compression fittings for ice makers and flare fitting couplings are shown. If you're looking for how to install ice makers, start here.
Connecting an ice maker is not hard. Basic plumbing tools and patience are needed. How to install ice makers is explained here.
Toilet mechanics have changed and the resulting toilet performance as well. Where toilets are concerned, the newer, the better.
If odor emanates in the shower or your sinks, or drain odor from the disposal, there is a simple fix. Stop sewer smell with oxygen bleach.
A toilet that flushes slowly may be clogged, have a faulty toilet flapper valve or have lime build up.
Prepare detailed building plans with all specifications to minimize or avoid project delays and costly change orders. Ask your contractor for a timeline, preselect all materials, and monitor project progress to make your project go forward without delays.
Create an accurate, realistic timeline to minimize or eliminate project delays. Timelines list all major tasks and key materials needed to complete your project.
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