Carpenter bees make holes in wood for their nests. Repairing carpenter bee damage is pretty simple. Gather the right tools: cork, dowels, latex wood filler and caulk. These can all be used to fill the holes.
Carpenter bees make holes in wood for their nests. Repairing carpenter bee damage is pretty simple. Gather the right tools: cork, dowels, latex wood filler and caulk. These can all be used to fill the holes.
Carpenter bees seem dangerous, but are mostly not. Carpenter bees are dangerous to the wood on your house. If you don't want to kill carpenter bees, you might focus on carpenter bee control methods.
Termite control comes in many methods. Colony elimination systems or baiting systems became popular in 1995. Barrier chemical methods are still being used, however, to treat many houses, especially new ones. Find out which method or methods are right for your house.
The following is a listing of the four companies that are currently marketing total termite colony elimination baiting systems. DowElanco introduced the first colony elimination system in 1995. The three new players will enjoy success if their systems are effective at killing the worker termites.
Borate chemicals are placed on wood to repel termites and they do an excellent job. Buy these boron-based products at any of the following companies.
New termite baiting systems have created huge interest among pest control professionals and homeowners. Will they put a complete end to termites? I don't think so. What they offer is the potential for total colony elimination.
Carpenter ants don't eat wood like termites, but they do pose a threat to our homes. Carpenter ants will bite through wood to make their nests and eat the food in our houses. Carpenter ants also spread their nests out and can be hard to find. Read about the habits of these pests to learn how to get rid of carpenter ants.
Carpenter ants can be indoors or outdoors. Here are procedures for inspection in both places in your home. Use chemicals to kill carpenter ants after you find the colony with the queen.
To learn how to get rid of carpenter ants and other information, look in the following magazines. Contact associations about carpenter ants for more great information.
Total colony elimination systems use bait traps to poison the worker termites and kill off entire colonies. Previously, termites were stopped by chemical barriers that weren't always effective and harmed the environment.
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