Fence building requires planning and reading. The following books about fencing will be labor and time savers and give you some great fence design ideas.
Fence building requires planning and reading. The following books about fencing will be labor and time savers and give you some great fence design ideas.
Engineered I joists offer many advantages. The floor joists can be purchased in varying depths with different flanges on the top and bottom. The I joists install in the same way as a traditional wood floor joist and make for a stiffer, squeakless floor.
Engineered I joists now have a uniform set of manufacturing rules for quality control. The following is a list of the manufacturers of engineered I joists who make joists that meet the PRI-400 guidelines.
Engineered I joists are similar to traditional floor joists, but have a few special care requirements. I joists should be stored upright and not come in contact with moisture and need to be blocked to prevent rollover. Here are some tips for installation and cutting holes in an I joist.
There are all sorts of places to get literature for Plywood and Oriented Strand Board (OSB board), but the best place is the Engineered Wood Association. This group produces some of the best descriptive booklets, technical manuals and brochures in the world.
Oriented strand board (OSB board) can be used for many things that plywood can do. However, it does have its limitations. In some cases, treated plywood is a cheaper and just as useful choice. Be sure to read the label on OSB board to make sure you're purchasing the right kind for your job.
There are many deck care product manufacturers. I have listed the companies which control a large portion of the deck product market.
Old deck sealers didn't protect against color change. New deck sealers are coatings that protect your deck from stains, water and the sun. Deck cleaners and brighteners may be used for especially dirty wood decks.
Deck sealers have been reviewed in Consumer Reports magazine. Check the May, 1997 and June, 1999 magazines for more information about what products worked and what products didn't.
Deck stripping products come in a variety of chemical strengths. Deck strippers can range from mild to toxic. Try the least aggressive stripper first on your wood deck. If it doesn't work, move up in strength.
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