Wood decks look great after they have been cleaned. Now wooden decks can be sealed with a clear epoxy sealer that does not let the wood turn gray. This synthetic resin sealer has no oils to allow algae and mildew to feed and grow on.
Wood decks look great after they have been cleaned. Now wooden decks can be sealed with a clear epoxy sealer that does not let the wood turn gray. This synthetic resin sealer has no oils to allow algae and mildew to feed and grow on.
Exhaust hot attic air in order to cool your living space. Attic ventilation in the form of turbine and pot attic vents work with the wind to remove the heat.
Remodeling deadlines can come up too fast for the DIY'r. Prioritize your needs for how you are willing to live in an unfinished home.
Many older homes still have old galvanized iron water supply lines. Eventually they clog with deposits and water pressure and volume drop. Installing new copper tubing or CPVC tubing is easy.
Concrete block construction has many advantages. Concrete homes do not suffer from insect damage and do well in hurricane conditions. Concrete block makes an energy efficient home.
Buy the right toilet to avoid problems. A well engineered toilet will flush right and not waste water.
Special lots need an architect with vision. The right professional to design your new home views is the one chance you have to do it right. Good architects will make the most of your lot or land to showcase your home.
Kitchen design or redesign can be can be very exciting. Electric or gas utilities can be moved. Drainlines and water can be moved. Add pantry space. Go for the countertops and sink that you really want. Add natural and electrical lighting. Kitchen flooring ... the sky's the limit! Don't settle for less than you want.
Dining room tables can be made quickly and cheaply. Plywood and cable reels are the parts you need. Usually, cable reels come free from an electric parts business. You can pick up the 3/4 inch plywood from any hardware store.
A sunroom addition can give you a whole new outlook on your house. Sunroom plans are a must. Read about my sunroom.
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