Construction bids can be confusing if you are comparing one to another. Sometimes one contractor is listing different things than the other. Sometimes you have trouble getting construction bids from a contractor at all. And, why is the price so high? Is it all profit?
Pocket door installation is a great project that will give you an average of 10 square feet of floor space than a traditional hinged door. Make sure you know what is inside of your wall before demolition and determine if it is a bearing wall. Invest in the best door frames and components.
Roofing nails commonly pop out of their asphalt shingle roof holes. Your roof experiences heating and cooling every day, which may cause the nails to slowly wiggle out over time. Or, the roofing nail wasn't driven into the wood beneath the shingle well enough. In either case, these nails can be repaired.
Interior framing with steel wall studs when your house first goes up will help the finish carpenters as they move to framing the interior walls. Steel will not change shape and cause wavy walls. Have your rough carpenter install scrap lumber blocking to the steel, and hanging cabinets and wall fixtures will be a snap!
Pressure washing wood decks can erode the soft wood of the lumber used on your deck rails and floors. It will actually splinter it. Chlorine Bleach will damage all of the components of your wooden decks and it is toxic to surrounding plantings. Oxygen bleach is the way to clean for a beautiful finish that looks like a new deck.
To build a fast model race car, you need to minimize friction between the wheels, the road and the steel axle. A simple wedge shape produces the minimum in air friction. Finally, weight should be evenly distributed.
Pouring concrete that fights cracking is possible if you follow my tips. Watch the amount of water added to concrete as it can cause shrinkage. Those "decorative" lines in your concrete are there as control joints to keep concrete from cracking. Rebar or reinforcing steel and a solid base will help your concrete fight cracks.
Handicap accessibility for your loved one with special needs requires planning. Handicap ramps should meet the needs of the individual. Building handicap ramps requires a little bit of your high school math. To build a proper ramp for people who are physically challenged, you may want to exceed minimum standards for ramps to make the ramp easier to navigate at your home.
Gravel driveways have a new update. Tar and chip driveways give the look of a beautiful gravel driveway with the strength of a blacktop base to hold the colorful stones.
A wood pellet stove may save energy dollars when heating your home, but do some calculations to see if staying with your natural gas home heating is more cost effective. Pellet stoves do allow for zone heating, but you may be surprised to know that your automated heating system will probably save you more money than the stove.