Paint or stain - which is better? For minimal home maintenance, either house paint or wood stain could be the choice. There are several things to consider in house painting. The good news is there are new exterior paints and stains that will last many years if applied correctly. This is a must-read column!
Termites can attack any home. A termite-free house should still get one or two annual visits from a trained pest control professional. Inground termite colony elimination systems are a good way to protect your home. Putting gravel and having positive pitch around your home keep the soil drier, preventing termites from tunneling.
Is the quality in your new home or in some of the model homes you tour below your measure? Residential quality standards in many parts of the USA are suffering. When building a new home of quality, how good is good enough? Is there such thing as a perfect job? The good news is that if you search long enough you can often find a contractor who really cares.
If you have to make repairs in a wet tiled area make sure you know what materials will work to keep things dry. Pick the right backer board for the job. A few simple tools will help with tile cutting. Your job will look great.
Grease can clog any drain line connected to a septic system or city sewer line. Mix the grease with lots of soap and hot water for a minute. This will emulsify the grease and prevent clogs. To prevent other clogs, drain and water lines need periodic maintenance for good drainage.
An invisible fence is very effective for pet control. They are not much different than the radio in your home or car. The wire transmits a signal to the compact receiver on your dog's collar. Training your dog to respect his new boundaries is the most important part to the success of the invisible dog fence.
Regular float glass mirrors are plain. These mirrors are held to the wall by small metal clips. With prefinished rabbet joint trim and epoxy glue you can create a border to dress up that boring bathroom mirror.
Asphalt sealing will be successful only if you prepare the driveway first. Cleaning and patching asphalt cracks are the first steps. High quality asphalt sealers are the finishing touch.