Advance payment to your contractor only when the work is completed. Make a schedule with a detailed cost breakdown that your builder will help you with at the beginning of the job.
Advance payment to your contractor only when the work is completed. Make a schedule with a detailed cost breakdown that your builder will help you with at the beginning of the job.
Up front planning and job scheduling will help you, your contractor and subcontractors keep your building project running smoothly. Special orders will be spelled out and the delivery time determined up front. Each job listed should specify when it will be done.
Roof repair of rotten wood should be verified before you allow a roofer to charge you extra when he installs your new roof. Ask him for a cost breakdown and monitor his progress. You can also address the cost in the bidding stage.
Ceramic tile replacement may not be the only answer to cracked and loose tiles. Consider ceramic tile repair by a good artist. First thing to do is reconnect the loose tile and clean out grout lines before grouting tiles again. The cracks can be repaired and camouflaged to your satisfaction.
Old plaster ceilings sometimes fall without warning. Nailed to the ceiling joists are wooden lath boards that plaster is spread over. Temperature changes cause moisture changes in the boards and the plaster, eventually leading to plaster cracks and the whole ceiling caving in.
PVC piping in your home can be noisy. Cast iron may be the type of piping you need. Plumbing replacement work is not for the DIY'r.
Construction dust should not keep you from home projects. Remodeling dust can be controlled. Your contractor should clean up daily.
Allowances in the quote from a contractor cover items not yet selected. Financial woe can result if this budget is exceeded. Your contract should be very specific to avoid overspending projected costs.
The costs of building a new home or adding room additions will vary from contractor to contractor. Request a breakdown of the costs. Provide them with a standardized form to help you compare "apples to apples." This will also help you determine if your contractors payment requests are in line.
Plans require detailed written specifications to convey to the contractor and subcontractor exactly what's desired and how it is to be done.
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