Square your project in order for it to be a success. Angles must be perfect. To check for square you can use a calculator or follow the instructions below.
Square your project in order for it to be a success. Angles must be perfect. To check for square you can use a calculator or follow the instructions below.
A patio slab that doesn't have a foundation shouldn't have a structure built on top of it. Foundations protect structures from frost heaving that could crack the slab.
Ice dams can form on any roof under cold weather and snowfall. When gutters turn to solid ice and the barrier creeps up onto your roof, thawing will cause a deluge of ice dam water to leak into your home. Protect your roof with an ice dam membrane.
Your heating ductwork is okay. Your furnace and air conditioner are working and are sized correctly, but no air is coming out of some of the heating ducts. Equalized static pressure is important for air flow. As supply pipes are branched off the main supply duct, they should get smaller to provide the correct static pressure.
Exterior paint will last much longer if you properly prep the house before you actually paint. Before you apply exterior house paint, cleaning the exterior of your home well with soap and water will aid in preventing peeling paint.
If you want a truly waterproof foundation, use the right products and a good drainage system. Damp proofing products are generally asphalt or tar based compounds sprayed on the foundation. Waterproofing compounds are different from damproofing.
Sizing decks or a patio is like fitting furniture inside your house. I'll bet you've seen a deck or patios that were cramped and overly crowded during a party. Size your deck or patio construction to assure ample space - or as you start to place furniture on them, they will shrink faster that a cheap cotton shirt in a clothes dryer.
I know, you want to save a little bit of cash on your upcoming job. But the question is, will you be an asset or a liability on the jobsite. Will you get your work done on time? Will you be in the way? Will you do your job right? Your contractor will have several more questions for you, make sure you have the right answers. One more thing: Excuses are reasons for failure.
Change orders are the silent killer of most projects. Homeowners can change their minds and contractors may charge extra for work not detailed in plans or specifications. Plan carefully before work begins to avoid costly change orders.
Nail pops in drywall are caused by rough framing lumber shrinkage. Lumber shrinkage cannot be prevented - it is natural. However, you can reduce nail pops by installing the screws and drywall correctly.
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