Whole house fans are great for moving hot, stale air from your home. Home ventilation will work if you size the fan correctly and provide intake and exhaust areas.
Whole house fans are great for moving hot, stale air from your home. Home ventilation will work if you size the fan correctly and provide intake and exhaust areas.
Liens can be avoided. To keep a mechanic's lien from being filed against you, consult a real estate attorney. Know the contractor and the subcontractors before you start your job. Avoid legal hassle and financial woes with affidavits from your contractor before making payment.
Efflorescence, white stains, can occur on brick, masonry and concrete. They are caused by salts that are in the brick and mortar or are transferred into the masonry by water. This salt can even be in the dirt used to backfill these walls. When the water evaporates, the salt comes to the surface and dries there. Removal can be difficult.
If you are building a new home or remodeling, you should really consider fire sprinklers. They may save your life and keep damage to a minimum should a fire ever break out in your home.
Clay bricks will provide beautiful sidewalks and driveways at your home. These bricks are stronger than house brick. Your brick patios, walks and drive can be matched to your homes color scheme. Installing brick pavers can be done with or without mortar.
Relocate ugly vent pipes on your home. Plumbing vent pipes are a necessity but they don't need to be on the front of the house.
A retaining wall can be built out of loose stones, concrete block, poured concrete, wood, etc. To know how to build a retaining wall, you must first consider its height, drainage and the slope behind it. Consult a qualified engineer for help.
To avoid the dust of drywall, use plaster instead. Plaster, like concrete, begins as a mixture of dry compounds. Plaster veneer systems are placed over blue board, similar to drywall gypsum. However, plaster is faster to install by about two or three days and very affordable.
Any vinyl flooring such as vinyl floor tiles, sheet vinyl or linoleum, are durable, attractive and have a slight "bounce" quality. These floors can be walked on right after they are installed.
Home construction that is eco-friendly or environmentally friendly is totally possible today. The green movement has influenced residential construction, and many energy saving and environmentally responsible products are available. A home construction program exists to help you build your new home with a 25 percent reduction in negative impact to the environment.
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