Only Time Will Tell - Kenny Chesney This is a fantastic song. Listen closely to the lyrics.
Only Time Will Tell - Kenny Chesney This is a fantastic song. Listen closely to the lyrics.
I Love Lucy Candy Factory - Classic Humor This has to be one of the funniest scenes in the delightful I Love Lucy TV series from the 1950s.
Floor Trusses vs Floor Joists - Trusses Will WOW You Last week, I was downloading some photos from my fancy digital camera and I stumbled across hundreds of forgotten photos I shot while my daughter’s new home was being built on Mt. Desert Island in Downeast Maine. I was there every day for the first […]
Kon'nichiwa! Welcome to your first full issue of my newsletter. I’ve never been to Japan, but my ham radio friend Hiro lives there. I reserve this place of honor at the top of each issue to greet you. Hiro was kind enough to send me my unique digital seal made with Kanji. It's just above. […]
What is a Bibelot? - It's Something Small You Treasure A bibelot is often referred to as a trinket or a tiny ornamental item, often jewelry but not always. A bibelot is not to be confused with a gewgaw. Gewgaws are often much bigger things. In other words, if you have a small knickknack that […]
Roof Replacement Costs 2021 (Installation, Replacement, Pricing) A study by the National Association of Realtors Research Group recently found that U.S. homeowners spend approximately $300 billion a year on home repairs and home renovations. That same study found that replacing a roof — whether it’s because the roof was leaking, very old, or simply aesthetically […]
Foundation Repair: How Much Does It Cost? (2021 Pricing Estimates) Your foundation is the footing of your entire home. It's the 24/7 soldier that keeps your floor, walls, windows, doors, and possessions safe and secure. So, what happens when it starts to fail? You may notice a door that doesn't shut quite right, a section […]
Chimney Repair Costs 2021 (Replacing, Removal, Maintenance) A fireplace is a beautiful and cozy addition to your home, but it is important to keep your chimney in good repair and up to code in order to prevent leaks, carbon monoxide and smoke intrusion, and chimney fires. Chimney damage can be caused by a number of […]
Heat Pump Replacement Costs 2021 (Installation, Replacement, Pricing) Does your thermostat scream in pain during the winter months? Are you looking for a way to save money on your energy bills? Heat pumps are a fantastic way to keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter without breaking the bank every […]
Basement Foam Board Installation - Inside or Outside QUESTION: I’m 23-years old and just got out of college. I bought my first small house and am about to remodel my basement. The previous owners of the house glued 2-inch-thick foam insulation to the poured concrete walls. It’s got an aluminum foil face on it. Then […]
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