Mail Chime Mailbox Alert - Simple, Elegant, and Affordable I installed a new Mail Chime mailbox alert system yesterday in just minutes. It was easy, the components are well-made, and the instructions were crystal clear. It's rare you get all of these things with one product. If you want an example of horrible and confusing […]
Exterior Painting Costs 2021 - Use Urethane Paint & Oxygen Bleach Exterior painting costs are going up with inflation. To save money long-term, you want to purchase the best paint and clean your house well so it's many years before you paint again. What is the Best Exterior House Paint? The best exterior paint hands […]
Dry Well Installation - They Rarely Work Do you think a dry well installation job is going to solve your drainage problem? You've come to the right place. I'm a college-trained geologist with a focus in hydrogeology - the study of groundwater. Why Don't Dry Wells Work? Dry wells don't work in most cases because […]
Nice try. You were trying to slither past me, weren’t you? We need to have a little talk about that. I get it. You’re a new subscriber, this is your first issue, and you might be a little shy. Don’t fret! This is a welcoming place and every week right here at the top, I […]
Soundproof Condo Ceiling - Not Easy After Construction QUESTION #2: Tim, I live in a condo and wonder what might be done to lessen the noise I hear coming from some of my neighbors. Are there any easy fixes that I might be able to tackle? Linda S., Chicago, IL Soundproofing spaces is a science. […]
Tohubohu, What is it? - It's a Great Word for Starters! Tohubohu is best described as mass confusion, disarray, or disorder. Much like you see on my small workbench to the left of my desk in the above photo! Excuses are reasons for failure, but I've been so darn busy I've just not had the […]
Looking for accurate cost information related to hardwood flooring? Perfect, you’re in the right spot. In this guide, you’ll learn: Why you should choose hardwood flooring What the average installation cost is for hardwood flooring What the cost of various hardwood flooring types and styles are How you can save money with hardwood floors and […]
Septic Tank Pumping - It's Really Important to Protect the Leach Field QUESTION: Howdy, Tim. I discovered on your website that you’ve been a master plumber for forty years. I recently moved from a city house on a city sewer to a rural retirement home that has a septic tank. What can you tell […]
Painting Wallpaper - If Not Coated, You Must Prime it With Oil Paint QUESTION: Tim, I’ve got decades-old wallpaper in my kitchen I want to paint. It’s in great shape with only two small tears. Can I paint over the wallpaper or must I remove the wallpaper before painting? The paper was applied directly onto […]
Install Flat Screen TV - Hunt for Solid Wood QUESTION: Tim, She who must be obeyed (SWMBO) has informed me that the two flat-screen TVs in the unopened boxes must be installed in days. One TV will end up in our bedroom on a wall but the other is over a living room fireplace. There’s […]