New Window in Stucco Wall - A Mistake Can Cost You Big $$$ How Do You Install a New Window in a Stucco Wall? You can install a new window in a stucco wall any number of ways. The best way is to get a new window to fit within the confines of the existing […]
Hello! My gosh, it’s so wonderful to meet you. There’s nothing like a new subscriber. Trust me, you’ll feel welcome here and there are no quirky initiation ceremonies. Well, there's one. Each new subscriber is required to watch this video to see how silly I can be! Ready? Did I fool you? You’ve got Charlie […]
Clean Refrigerator Condenser Coil - Save Big Money on Repairs Clean your refrigerator condenser coil every few months. This coil looks like the radiator in your car and can get clogged with dust. Why Should I Clean the Coil? The refrigerator has to work harder if the coil is clogged with dirt and hair. A […]
Sewer Gas Smell Vent Pipe Some people have a sewer gas smell in their yards. The odor comes out of the vent pipes up on the roof. Here's how to stop the odor:
Lot Drainage Solutions - Some are Tough To Do Do you have lot drainage problems as Arlen does? When it rains hard water can flow into his garage in the photo above. Here's a lot near my home that requires at least two lot drainage solutions: What Causes Lot Drainage Problems? Flat ground is the […]
You’re new here, aren’t you? Welcome! You might be hunkered down at home like so many of us. Now is as good a time as any to discover how to save sweet moola around your home. I’m pretty good at doing just that. I’m just not as good at telling jokes. And you ... I […]
You may be a brand-new subscriber. Boy, am I glad you’re here! It’s always a treat to meet a new friend. I’ve got a few prizes for you in this issue. Be sure to look for them. I know, you’ve been here since the mastodons roamed up and down the Mill Creek Valley in Cincinnati, […]
This column was shared with my 31,000 subscribers who read my March 27, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter. QUESTION #1: Tim, it’s time for you to reach into your magic tool bag. I need to replace a cracked-off section of my concrete driveway. My primary concern is I want the color and texture of the new patch […]
Sewer Gas Smell Vent Pipe - Odor Source Sewer gas smell can be pulled from a rooftop plumbing vent pipe as the wind blows across it. This is known as the venturi effect and you should have been introduced to this law of physics in high school. That said, you could have been sick that […]
Clean Undermount Sink Caulk - Replacing It Might Be Better You can clean undermount sink caulk using certified organic Stain Solver oxygen bleach, but it's going to take some effort and patience. IMPORTANT NOTE: Do NOT use chlorine bleach for this job if you have a stainless-steel sink! CLICK or TAP HERE to understand why. […]