Are you a brand-new subscriber? I’m so glad you’re here. Welcome! Until the COVID-19 crisis is contained, you’ll be receiving more frequent and shorter newsletters from me. I hope it’s a help. Speaking of help … Remember, other people need TP too. Share some of that TP you’re holding onto if you can. Not new? […]
This is SUPER FAST. It's just before 9 a.m. on Saturday, March 21, 2020. I promised you a few days ago, I would be starting LIVE TV broadcasting. My FIRST one is in TWO HOURS! What: I'm going to talk about dishonest roofers and HOW to save thousands of dollars! When: 11 a.m. Eastern Time […]
CLICK and WATCH the video above! This column was featured in my March 24, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter. Roofing Bid Sheet - Be Prepared for Dishonest Roofers! A roofing bid sheet is a document that allows you to discover a professional roofer. I created one 25 years ago that many still use each day! My […]
Are you new here? Welcome! Because of the COVID-19 emergency, my newsletters will be more frequent and shorter to HELP save you time and money while you may be housebound. BTW, How can I help you? WHAT questions do you have? CLICK or TAP HERE and ASK ME. You may have been here for as […]
Paint Beadboard Ceiling The recessed grooves in beadboard make painting it a not-so-fun project. Painting overhead is also problematic because the paint wants to fall in your face and on your arms. Bill, who lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, asked me to create this column. What are the First Steps to Paint Beadboard Ceiling? The first […]
Your life may be turned upside down right now because of the COVID-19 Pandemic. I've got several things for you. ALL are important. 1. I'm going to INCREASE the frequency of these newsletters to help you with your home as we navigate this crisis. The blasts will be SHORTER and easier to consume. How can […]
Deck-Building No-No QUESTION #1: Tim, I need your help. I contracted with a large home center to have a deck built. I came home from work and saw that the carpenters had toenailed an outer joist to the side of my home. Many of the nails are close to the edge and I can already […]
Are you a new subscriber? Welcome and FAIR WARNING: A tsunami of home improvement tips is about to wash over you. You may have already been on the beach here with me, lying on the warm sand and hydrating with your liquid of choice, when small waves become big waves. You’ve got enough sense to […]
Roof Maxx Review and COV-19 Urgent News Are you a new subscriber? This is a very brief newsletter. I do this with breaking important announcements. You may have seen one of these special newsletters before if you're one of my seasoned subscribers. You know how IMPORTANT it is to read the following. Roof Maxx Review […]
Roof Maxx® Review ! WARNING !Before you sign a contract with Roof Maxx for THOUSANDS of dollars, you MAY WANT TO TALK WITH ME for 15 Minutes. Go here to set up the call. Chrystal asked me to call her. I shared a different method to protect her roof that is much cheaper than the […]