Dr. Ken Caster - University of Cincinnati I had the distinct pleasure to meet and be taught by Dr. Kenneth Caster at the University of Cincinnati (UC) between 1972 and 1974. He's one of a small handful of college professors that left an indelible imprint in my brain, fortunately for the better. The first and […]
Post-it® Flex Write Surface - Permanent Markers Wipe Off I tested the Post-it® Flex Write Surface product and it works. It works really well. You know that permanent markers can ruin a traditional whiteboard - and yes, there is a toxic chemical you can use to restore one should you make a mistake and not […]
Prevent Cut Electric & Cable Lines QUESTION #1: Tim, what are your thoughts on burying electric and cable-TV lines? I can buy approved cable and wire that’s rated for direct burial saving the cost of installing it in conduit. What’s been your experience with underground utilities like this? What would you do and why? Glenn […]
Is this your first real newsletter issue? I'm so glad you're here. I've got quite a few prizes in store for you. If you'd like a chance at winning a $50 Amazon Gift Card, be sure to play my annual Treasure Hunt game below. The game ends in just three weeks. Play now or I'll […]
Apron Sink Photos - Not For a Beginner DIYr Here are some photos and videos I've created for you to give you an idea of what apron sinks are and how difficult they can be to install. All of them are quite heavy. CLICK or TAP HERE NOW to get FREE QUOTES from local remodeling […]
Patio Door Hinge Types - There are Many Joe S. from Osage Beach, MO reached out to me about his odd patio door hinge. His story appeared in the February 9, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter. Here's what he wrote: "I have an odd sized hinge that is for my patio doors. They need replacing and since […]
DEAR TIM: I’m almost certain I want an apron sink in my new kitchen. You’ve got one last chance to talk me out of it. Have you installed one? Do you own one? What are the pros and cons of an apron sink? Are there special things you have to do to install one? I […]
Today is the biggest event of the year for AsktheBuilder.com. I look forward to this newsletter issue ALL YEAR! It's time for the annual LE Johnson Treasure Hunt Game. I know, I know! I promised you the nutty video this past Thursday. You probably want to watch it first. You mean this one? CLICK or […]
The 2020 AsktheBuilder.com Treasure Hunt begins this Sunday, February 2, 2020. Think about that date! It could be a lucky sign for you! Look at all those twos. 02/02/2020 You're not going to believe how much fun it is to play the Treasure Hunt. Not only will you have FUN, but you might also win […]
Infrared Photos - Use Them to Help Save You Money Infrared photos can help you discover problems at your home before they become giant nightmares. I own a FLIR ONE PRO infrared camera that plugs into my smartphone. I can take unlimited photos using my phone. You don't own a smartphone? CLICK or TAP HERE […]