You could be a new subscriber. If so, greetings and solutions as my late father-in-law would say. He was a great man. I learned so much from him! Should you be a subscriber in good standing for the past twenty-four years, oh the tales you could tell! What I Did Last Saturday Remember those "What […]
Attic Trusses Design This video shows you just about all you need to know about attic trusses. In case you do have questions, PLEASE click the two links just below and read my past columns about attic trusses. That saves me from typing the answer twice. Attic Trusses Column #1 Attic Trusses Column #2 The […]
Deck Foundation DEAR TIM: I’m concerned about the concrete deck base that’s fully above ground at my new home. The other decks in our development have the concrete piers below ground. Shouldn’t the concrete be completely buried to protect against freezing and cracking in the winter months? What do you feel are the best concrete […]
Outdoor Sink Restoration QUESTION #1: I’m in the process of restoring a grand natural stone outdoor sink. It’s made from some type of natural stone. Locals tell me it’s soapstone. Once restored, it’s going to be used as a beverage serving station for outdoor parties. Someone painted it years ago and after stripping the paint, […]
Which one - PEX or Copper? DEAR TIM: I have to install some new water supply lines in my home. My current home has copper water supply lines. I’m intrigued by the plastic PEX material and it seems too good to be true. Using PEX I’d only have a joint in my basement and then […]
Foam Insulation Above Windows QUESTION #1: Tim, I need your expert opinion. I’m building a new home with 2x6 exterior walls. Beams have to be installed over the top of all windows and doors. What’s a great way to insulate these as the solid wood creating the beam doesn’t have a very high R-value. What […]
Install Handrail Into Brick - Easy with Epoxy & Studs You need moderate skills to install a handrail into brick and poured concrete. It's important to realize that you can't use regular expansion anchors in the brick as they very likely will fracture the brick if they're not solid. What Tools Are Required? You'll need […]
DEAR TIM: I want to build a deluxe shed. I’ve just retired and have plenty of time on my hands. I want to stop paying the outrageous offsite storage fees. First and foremost, what do you think of my shed matching my house? Is this a good idea or a waste of time? In your […]
Did you see the overnight news about the horrible multi-story deck collapse in New Jersey? At this time, I don't believe anyone died, but several were seriously injured. CLICK or TAP HERE for a local news story. You could become a statistic in the future if a deck you're standing or DANCING on collapses. The […]
Are you a new subscriber? I'm about to summon my fellow NH wizards and we're going to cast a protective spell on you and all your underwater allies. You'll be able to eat what you want for the next three days with no ill effects if all goes well. If you've been here for a […]