Restoring Rusty Paraphernalia QUESTION #1: What can you tell me about painting rusty metal? I want a fast and easy method to repaint an assortment of things in my garage and shed. Do you have to remove all the rust before you paint? Are there secret non-toxic chemicals that will remove rust? What paint would […]
Did you just subscribe in the past week? TNX as we say in Morse. I'll do my best to save you lots of time and sweet moola in this and future newsletters. You might be an older, not age mind you, subscriber. Thanks for sticking around and this issue might astound you. As Kenny Chesney […]
The following is a list of books I've read. You'll discover quickly I'm enamored with history with a sprinkling of mystery thrillers. In a display of shame-filled vanity, I listed my own book, Roofing Ripoff, at the top of the list. In all seriousness, it's the one you should read first as it only takes […]
Klein Wireless Speaker | AEPJS-1 I tested the Klein wireless speaker a week ago and I fell in love with it. Too many other job site speakers are too big or they just don't have the features that make them spectacular. CLICK or TAP HERE for the full specifications and order form. Does it Have […]
"It’s important to realize I knew the Responsible Flushing Alliance would challenge my video findings...." Flushable Wipes Test Video - The Truth is Out There at the End of the Pipe You may have been one who responded to me three months ago. Remember the column I wrote about how flushable wipes clog sewers? I […]
Flushable Wipes Video | Watch this video to see what happens with name-brand flushable wipes when flushed in a normal household toilet. This was part of the March 17, 2020 AsktheBuilder Emergency Alert regarding COVID-19. Flushable Wipes - Not Great for Septic Systems Not Terrible For Covered Bathroom Garbage Cans Please read my original column […]
This is the actual text I received from the public relations person who represents the Responsible Flushing Alliance. This letter, in the form of an email, was in response to my Flushable Wipes Clog Sewers column that was published by many newspapers all across the USA. Responsible Flushing Alliance - Letter Challenging Column I've […]
Are you a new subscriber? Welcome, this is a pretty interesting newsletter for your first one if I don't say so myself! Have you done the rodeo with me a few times being a seasoned subscriber? I think you'll agree this is a dandy newsletter edition. This and That - Save $$$$$ I often share […]
Burying Electrical Wire - It's Allowed, But Use Conduit QUESTION #1: Tim, can you settle a debate between me and my wife? We have to have electric cables buried in the ground for all sorts of things around our home. She insists on putting the cables in conduit and I say, after doing online research, […]