You could be a new subscriber. Be sure to let me know if I'm able to save you some time and money with this issue. You may be a subscriber that's been here for quite some time. If so, ring the bell or sound off if I've helped you too. The summer heat is building […]
"That remarkable simple and effective building detail is being sacrificed at the altar of Build-it-Faster." Window Flashing Tape Leaking I’ve been wanting to write this column for years. The topic has been a burr under my saddle, but I needed to base the column on proof, not speculation. That proof arrived last week in a […]
You could be a brand new subscriber. (light celebratory fireworks fuse!) Welcome! (bright lights in sky and BOOM BOOM BOOM noises) You might be a subscriber that's been here long enough to have thought once or twice that it might be a good idea for me to tone it down. (Boo and Hiss sounds from […]
Are you a new subscriber? Gosh am I glad you've joined the party! Have you been receiving this newsletter for months or years? What tip of mine in a past issue saved you the most time and money? BTW, if you want to see ALL past Ask the Builder newsletters CLICK or TAP HERE. My […]
Don't Underestimate Concrete Installation QUESTION #1: I plan to install a concrete patio during my vacation. It’s going to measure 14 feet by 30 feet. I’ve watched lots of online videos and paid attention to cable-TV shows and now feel emboldened. What can go wrong and how much help do you think I’ll need. I’ve […]
Are you a new subscriber in the past week? Cowabunga am I glad you're here! Seasoned subscriber? I cherish your continued commitment to collect counsel that avoids costly outlays of cash. Yesterday I had a fun amateur radio day. Tens of thousands of radio operators across the USA and Canada participated in a 24-hour emergency […]
Best Bar Harbor Builder - I Might Be Able to Help My daughter and son-in-law built a new home in Bar Harbor beginning in late 2018. I was not the builder, but I did act as their primary advisor. I also installed all the plumbing, radiant heat, and electric. I live hundreds of miles away […]
Pocket Door Plywood - Use the Clip Set to Install You can strengthen pocket door frames by installing 3/4-inch plywood in between the steel-wrapped studs. It takes just minutes to install the ingenious clips. CLICK or TAP HERE for more information about these magic clips. Watch me install the LE Johnson plywood clips: This column […]
Pocket Door Plywood Clips - Use For Heavy Things QUESTION #1: Mr. Tim, can you solve a dilemma? I’m planning to install a few pocket doors in my new home. I already know at these locations I’ll have heavy mirrors and artwork on the walls where the door slides in and out of the pocket. […]
Are you a new subscriber in the last few days? I'm honored by your trust. If you're a seasoned subscriber still in good standing, that's an accomplishment you should be proud of! Pop Tarts to the Rescue I'm a ham radio operator and volunteer to do quite a few public service events every summer. I'm […]