Aunt Margaret “Let’s go visit Aunt Margaret,” my Dad said. If I’d had a mirror in front of me, there’s no doubt my eyes and grin were wider than an airplane-hanger door. Margaret was my Dad’s older sister, and she lived with my Uncle Louie in a majestic old home in North Avondale, an original […]
Garage Floor Drain Ideas - Time Tested Technology The inspiration for this column came from unexpected comments about a brief mention of garage floor drains in my December 1, 2019 AsktheBuilder newsletter and my December 9, 2019 AsktheBuilder newsletter. The house I grew up in had a garage floor drain. The concrete floor was sloped […]
Gasoline Fire and Explosion Hazard - Very Dangerous Gasoline is a very dangerous liquid. Using it to start a fire or get rid of ants in your yard is a bad idea. Gasoline fumes are heavier than air and travel across the ground like invisible flowing water. Years ago, I made a mistake starting a […]
I want you to guess how many cups of coffee I consumed while creating this game. To arrive at the CORRECT answer, you need to answer all the questions and then see what I have to say in the Feedback comments after you answer. Step One: Click each of the following links and STUDY what […]
Two Steps Behind - Gives the Band A Breather You don't need to be a jeanyus to realize that rock bands often need to slow the pace of the show so they can catch their breath. I saw Def Leppard in concert about twelve years ago and this is a great song they do after […]
Vinyl Siding Trim - The Devil is in the Detail Wide variety of trim types and styles Door surrounds are remarkable Lots of attic ventilation louvers Spend hours looking at online house photos QUESTION #1: The house I grew up in had vinyl siding and the trim around the windows was some thin distasteful vinyl […]
Restoring Rusty Paraphernalia QUESTION #1: What can you tell me about painting rusty metal? I want a fast and easy method to repaint an assortment of things in my garage and shed. Do you have to remove all the rust before you paint? Are there secret non-toxic chemicals that will remove rust? What paint would […]
The following is a list of books I've read. You'll discover quickly I'm enamored with history with a sprinkling of mystery thrillers. In a display of shame-filled vanity, I listed my own book, Roofing Ripoff, at the top of the list. In all seriousness, it's the one you should read first as it only takes […]
Drywall Requires Muscle QUESTION #1: Tim, I need your honest advice. I’m seriously pondering installing new drywall in a room addition while I’m on vacation. I’ve watched cable TV shows, numerous online videos and read a few articles. It really doesn’t appear to be that hard. I’ve got a few helpers so I’m convinced we […]
Portable Dehumidifier Survey Below is the survey from the June 12, 2019 AsktheBuilder Newsletter. Please answer all the questions below. One person, chosen at random using the random number generator at, will win a $300 Amazon gift card. To qualify to win, you MUST have completed the following survey no later than midnight Eastern […]