Tim shows off a new Vacuflo Maxum 7 Central Vac Power Unit. He offers up tips on how to install one. Watch the video below.
Tim shows off a new Vacuflo Maxum 7 Central Vac Power Unit. He offers up tips on how to install one. Watch the video below.
Greg is helping his mom sell her house in Corona, CA. But the laundry room sink is rusty and it needs a minor repair before the For Sale sign goes up. Here's the story: "Mom has a laundry room in the house, with a cast iron sink in a cabinet next to the washer. The cast […]
Yesterday, everyone in our family received a very, very sad text from my oldest daughter Meghan. She now lives in central California with her amazing husband Brent. Their youngest cat, Hector, went missing over a week ago. Meghan found him yesterday and sent all of us the following text message. She was unable to call us […]
"While you can do many things no matter how the bar will be oriented, I feel it's very important for you to consider who'll be the bartender." Wet Bar Ideas Checklist hot and cold water and a real drain what direction bartender faces the height of working bar and serving bar critical ample storage for […]
I primarily build and repair houses, but I am a little bit of a shade tree mechanic. My wife's car is a wonderful Volvo XC90 that was made in Sweden in 2004. Do you want to know how to check the transmission fluid level on your XC90? Read on. The other day, I noticed a […]
I took the following photos on February 21, 2015, at the top of my drive. I live in Meredith, NH which is in the geographic center of the state. Before we go any further, realize I was born and raised in Cincinnati, OH living there for 55 years. The snow is deeper south of me […]
My wife Kathy and I love Amazon.com. We've come to TRUST them as a great company. We buy lots of stuff from Amazon.com. We know our UPS driver on a first name basis he's here so often! This was so important, that it was mentioned in the February 22, 2015 AsktheBuilder Weekend Alert Newsletter. We […]
I've never driven a snowmobile on flat land much less up a steep mountain. What do you think the average snowmobile weighs? It's got to be 500 pounds or more. What you're going to see in the video below will blow your mind. My guess is the angle of the chute in that mountain is […]
Tim Carter shot this video on February 12, 2015, in Meredith, NH. It's a massive layout allowing multiple trains to operate at the same time going either direction. Sophisticated electronics in the locomotives create real sounds and allow only that engine to respond to the controls each operator uses. Fascinating technology.
This is probably The Outfield's most popular song. It's got a snappy beat and rhythm, but the message in the song is not really that great. It's all about selfishness - something we need MUCH LESS of in this world.
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