Winter Storm Gail 2020 - Historic Deep Snow in Meredith New Hampshire Mother Nature was starting to brew Winter Storm Gail in her atmospheric cauldron above the USA a week before December 17, 2020. While the center of energy was still thousands of miles away from my home as Bernie Rayno shows in the following […]
3.6 Roentgen - Not Great Not Terrible This is a great scene from the TV series Chernobyl. Watch ALL the clips to get the full context. This first one is only seven seconds and has the classic script line:
Moonlight Graham Field of Dreams Wish - Bat in the Major Leagues Do you know who Moonlight Graham was? He holds a very distinctive record in Major League Baseball. Watch the short video clip to see what it is. This video contains such profound wisdom that I shared it with the 31,000 subscribers who read […]
Chocolate Advent Calendars - Christmas Comes FASTER Using One A friend of mine sent me a funny text saying, according to my chocolate Advent calendar, Christmas is just 6 days away. I got the text on November 11th! Someone's sweet tooth was aching! CLICK or TAP HERE to see ALL of the chocolate Advent calendars […]
Work From Home Challenges You may now have to work from home and need some small privacy modifications made. What are they? What do you need to change to make it easier to work from home? Please answer the few questions and upload any photos that help me understand what you're trying to change. Name: […]
Veterans Families Serve Their Country Too - And Pay a Substantial Price On November 11, 2020, I thanked all veterans who receive my FREE newsletter. CLICK or TAP HERE to read what I had to say. The next day, Gail from Indiana, wrote to me. I was completely unaware of veterans' families connected to […]
Travel Chess Set - Lots of Fun in a Small Package Here's my 50-year-old travel chess set. Most of the new ones you can buy today are magnetic and don't use the wood pegs and holes. I really treasure mine. It's made from real inlaid wood, not plastic! Mine is only 6 x 6 inches […]
Tommy Thompson - Ship of Gold in the Deep Blue Sea Tommy Thompson screwed his investors out of the $12.7 million dollars they put up in the mid-1980s to fund his expedition to locate the S.S. Central America. Once he found the ship and salvaged the gold, his troubles started to mount from a slew […]
Richard P. Anderson - April 16, 1946 | October 25, 2020 Richard P. Anderson was my best friend in Cincinnati, OH. I can't begin to share with you the depth of his wisdom, generosity, integrity, diligence, determination, and discipline. He was an inspiration to me in so many ways and as often happens, I failed […]