Exterior Painting Costs 2021 - Use Urethane Paint & Oxygen Bleach Exterior painting costs are going up with inflation. To save money long-term, you want to purchase the best paint and clean your house well so it's many years before you paint again. What is the Best Exterior House Paint? The best exterior paint hands […]
Tohubohu, What is it? - It's a Great Word for Starters! Tohubohu is best described as mass confusion, disarray, or disorder. Much like you see on my small workbench to the left of my desk in the above photo! Excuses are reasons for failure, but I've been so darn busy I've just not had the […]
Painting Wallpaper - If Not Coated, You Must Prime it With Oil Paint QUESTION: Tim, I’ve got decades-old wallpaper in my kitchen I want to paint. It’s in great shape with only two small tears. Can I paint over the wallpaper or must I remove the wallpaper before painting? The paper was applied directly onto […]
Install Flat Screen TV - Hunt for Solid Wood QUESTION: Tim, She who must be obeyed (SWMBO) has informed me that the two flat-screen TVs in the unopened boxes must be installed in days. One TV will end up in our bedroom on a wall but the other is over a living room fireplace. There’s […]
What is a Gewgaw? - What a Wonderful Word! A gewgaw is a flashy thing of little value. You've no doubt got gewgaws in your home. Some you may treasure but other family members or friends think they belong in a dumpster. This just might happen once they clean out your house after you've been […]
Storm Preparation Checklist - Focus on Critical Things I just spent the past four days digging out from Winter Storm Gail. While it appeared to millions to be just an ordinary winter snowstorm, she unleashed her full wrath on a narrow band of New Hampshire dumping up to 48 inches of snow in just twelve […]
Winter Storm Gail 2020 - Historic Deep Snow in Meredith New Hampshire Mother Nature was starting to brew Winter Storm Gail in her atmospheric cauldron above the USA a week before December 17, 2020. While the center of energy was still thousands of miles away from my home as Bernie Rayno shows in the following […]
3.6 Roentgen - Not Great Not Terrible This is a great scene from the TV series Chernobyl. Watch ALL the clips to get the full context. This first one is only seven seconds and has the classic script line:
Spy Camera USB Charger - It's AMAZING. This is a perfect gift item for any number of people. Get several to see lots of your home. CLICK or TAP HERE to discover MORE about this very cool device.